20 years

207 19 3

The internal formation of dichotomic creation

—individual intrinsic design—

is the result of maturation, it’s a splitting

delegation—the further definition

of both ego and id.

Because when clay met fire met hand, met glue. And

when god formed man, we whispered, “me too.”

Form me, too.

Our selfish separations desired manifestations,

a medium for vision and voice.

Our mutual, oppositional yearnings of expression—

            our need for liberation from regression,

                        repression, oppression, depression,

shredded its anomie into me.

But despite this wrenching, this

selves-inflicted mental pain,

we continue to push to insert our words,

begging like the damned to be heard.

And we need to be heard to live.

A masochistic dualism—a cyclical cynicism

is my essence; this speaks of my core.

It points at underdevelopment (I’m not as old as I think.),

there’s still growth to be done (I don’t want to anymore.)

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