Original Edition - Chapter 37: Waterfalls

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Well, how's Ethan?"

I groaned as I fetched some underwear out of a drawer. "He's um... well..."

"How about this, how's your neck?"

"Still bare," I laughed out.

"Good girl, should try and keep it that way for a while. Ethan's a good wolf but it won't hurt him for you to give him hell for a while."

I smiled inwardly although I knew too well that fighting this bond was hard as hell. "He showed me the tree house you and Chris built."

"That thing's still standing?" he laughed out. "Damn, Chris and I were out there for days putting that damn thing together."

"Ya, he and Evan have been keeping it up. I guess They both still use it."

"Our kids used to love that thing. I swear we thought that they were going to live in it eventually."

I laughed a little and nodded. "Ya I saw where they kept tabs on their height on a wall," I paused and sighed tiredly. "It still feels like a fresh wound around here."

Levi mused a bit. "Some wounds are hard to heal girl, you know that. Just give Ethan time, it's still hard, even for me."

I nodded when Derek knocked on the door. "You almost ready?"

"Ya!" I called out. "I have to go."

He chuckled over the link. "Go on, have fun. Just keep an eye on your neck. I love Ethan but I'll beat his damn ass if he missteps."

I smiled and nodded. "Ok, by Levi."

"Bye Charlie girl."

I sighed and slipped my clothes quickly on then fluffed my hair. Evan was already sitting on a barstool drinking a beer while Elliot chatted with him. The whole house smelled like garlic, tomatoes, and basil. My belly grumbled which made Derek chuckle as he checked on our dinner in the oven.

"Hello little sister," Evan teased as he slipped off the stool then kissed my hair. "Heard you had a fun day with Derek over here?"

I nodded and went over to the open bottle of wine. "Derek got a pretty good piece of me, per usual."

Derek's brows furrowed as I poured my wine. He walked over and looked at the slashes above my knee that were starting to heel, but were still very red and a tad angry. "I can put something on them?"

I shook my head and took a sip of my wine. "It doesn't hurt. It will be fine in the morning."

He sighed and kissed my temple. "You're too stubborn for your own good sometimes Char."

I sipped my wine some more when Elliot pulled the hot garlic bread out of the oven. Evan's belly rumbled as Evangeline walked in; her short chambray dress seemed to compliment her pale legs well as she walked. "Did Evan eat everything yet?"

"Is that a fat joke?" He shot back with a mock scowl.

She rolled her eyes and walked over to me. We rubbed cheeks before I poured her a glass of her own. "Please brother, you're still a twig."

Evan huffed while Elliot chuckled a bit. "Where's Ethan?"

"Licking his wounds," Evan replied with a smug grin. I gave him a raise brow as he sipped his beer. "Billy apparently gave him a good beating today. He needed it though if you ask me."

"I think you're due for one too brother," Evangeline shot out with a sly grin.

"Are you offering sis?"

The Bite (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें