September 1

95 8 4

September 1

So I was casually just saying thanks to people who have followed me or voted for my books or if they added some of my books to their reading list as I do most days and I went to refresh my account.

What popped up beside my book of poems and sayings called Sadness actually made me jump out of my chair.

Sadness is #3 in poetry as of September 1st!!!

It's probably gonna stay there just for the day because there are loads of other better books that are ranked in poetry. Oh well, I'm just glad the book has made it to the top 3.

I honestly thought Sadness would get at least 100 reads when I was first starting out. It gained a lot of popularity in the first week, I got 100 reads in the first week and nOW I HAVE LIKE 35k READS??

I don't even know how, I guess it was just luck.

Okay anyways that's enough about that,,,

I came back to school a few days ago and I hate it wow. The new first years are so funny wtf, they go to tutor like 10 minutes before the bell rings???

I got so much homework today ugh, I've done most of it though.

On the bus today, some guy held up a picture of boobs and showed it to a first year, I swear, the child looked like he was crying ahhagshahahha

OkAY byE xxx love you all so much

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