I decided to wear my regular eyeshadow and winged liner with some mascara and foundation with matte powder. I then straightened my naturally wavy hair, putting a hair tie on my wrist, just incase.

I took one last look of myself in the mirror before walkng out of room to be faced with Liv, still in her pyjamas.

She smiled at me and said "you look nice. Is it because Josh is gonna be there?" She laughed and nudged me as I slumped down beside her.

"Not necessarily. And what if I just want to look nice for myself for once?" I raised an eyebrow to her.

"Fair enough." She sighed. "And I've also recently noticed you and Jack have been very friendly since we moved here." She sipped her cup of tea while keeping her eyes trained on me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I needed a drink in the middle of the night and I saw you both cuddling on the couch." She smirked.

"We werent cuddling Liv." I assured her

"What were you doing then? Being eachothers pillows for the night because you're both single losers?" She chuckled.

"Oh shut up and go get a shower you smelly bitch." I shoved her as she ran away laughing.



The cab had arrived about ten minutes ago to pick me and the other three up to take us to Joe's. We decided on a taxi because we'd been asked to go out after and we would most likely end up drunk.

Don't drink and drive kids.

The car had pulled up to a building similar to what ours looked like. White, nicely kept but a bit busier than ours. I pain the driver and we all walked into the lobby of the apartment building when we were stopped by someome shouting our names. We all turned to be greeted by Caspar.

"Heyy, haven't seen you guys in a while." He greeted all of us, each of us sending friendly waves and smiles back.

"What floor is Joe on again? I always forget." Jack asked Caspar.

"3rd. Wow you still have a really bad memory" he chuckled as we walked to the lift.

"Always have. Must get it from my mum." He laughed awkwardly while scratching his neck.

We all crammed in the elevator and pressed the floor number. It cant be just me that hates the awkward but slightly porno sounding music that almost every single lift has, but at the same time I still sway my head to the tune.

The doors opening snapped me out of my daze and we all scurried out, following Caspar to Joe's apartment.

Caspars knuckles had barely even touched the door before it swung open and Joe's smiley face appeared.

"Hiya! Welcome to my humble abode, where all the magic happens." He said and welcomed us into his surprisingly very tidy home.

"The only magic that happens here, is me being here on time." Caspar declares.

"I know, did you shit the bed or something?" Joe laughed.

Room Mates || Jack.MaynardWhere stories live. Discover now