15 | tall girls

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author's note:

hey, guys!

i love reading all of your comments and getting to know you guys better. i never thought this story would get so many reads, so thank you so much!

to clear up some confusion with the characters - you is the guy she liked and brought her down. he is completely different ;) 

i was thinking about writing another short story, once i'm done with this. it'll be called SHORT GIRLS. can you guess what it's going to be about? ;)

* * *

it becomes a habit for her ー a routine.

going to the coffee shop and writing. observing. sipping. crumpling. writing some more.

what she didn't know was that he watched her. at first, it was just a quick glance. then slowly, she became his addiction.

he found himself liking her write. watching how her wrist moved roughly at first, stopping, then smoothly writing over the paper.

it became a habit for him ー a routine.

going to the coffee shop and watching her. observing. sipping. then looking some more.

she was fascinating.

that day, an hour passes as he sits and waits for her. she doesn't come.

the next day is the same. and slowly the days turn into a week.

when she comes in one day, he knows he has to talk to her.

he asked her, "what's wrong?"

and she responded with a blatant lie, "nothing, everything is great."

her mind however screamed otherwise as an invisible tear rolled down her cheek.

surprisingly, he then asked, "are you sure you're okay?" and she wanted to scream "no" but instead lied and said, "trust me, it's nothing. i'm just tired."

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