The meeting

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Regina's Pov :
Ugh another school meeting , wasn't I just at one , Henry is growing up so fast can't believe he's already 12 . I also know that there is a new student in his class he wouldn't stop talking about her. I am happy he has a friend though he needs this he's not really a big social fan.' Miss Mills are you alright ?' I look up from my rambling to see Mrs Blanchard starring at me with a concerned look on her face.' Y-yes quite alright Mrs Blanchard , can we move along with the meeting now please .' I give her a smile and look at the front of the classroom again.' O okay uh so let's get started , I saw that Henry made a friend and he likes her a lot .'' Yes Mrs Blanchard he has informed me so , and I am very happy for my son.'' Yeah me too I just think that he is starting to misbehave a little , yesterday he threw a piece of paper at the kid in front of him and then Lacy laughed and I sent them both to the office.' ' That is a little out of the ordinary,he isn't a disobedient child never was,and he is definitely not a bully.' ' See that's the thing Lacy is a great kid but a terrible bully and I think she's kind of changing Henry , so I took the liberty of calling Mrs swan so we could talk about it.' ' Yes well I think I can talk to my son and sort him out myself , if it gets any worse then I will talk to Mrs swan but right now I have to go .' I am in a rush I have to get back to the town hall Tiffany is on her own and I have a lot of paperwork to sign. ' Okay I will tell you then if it gets worse I have to talk to Mrs swan anyway.' ' Goodbye Mrs Blanchard.' I stand up and walk up to the door , I feel a hard thud and I'm on the ground the first thing I spit out is ' will you please look where your going ', then I see her , she is beautiful . Wait what ?, I'm not gay or bi snap out of it Regina. ' O shit I'm sorry are you okay .' She tries to help me up but I just push her away ,' let go of me ! , for gods sake I'm not crippled.'

Emma's POV :

I was about to walk in to Mrs Blanchard's class and ran smack into a woman ,' O shit I'm sorry are you okay ', was the first thing I said before I couldn't speak , she was gorgeous beautiful brown eyes and short dark hair. I tried to help her up but she pushed me away and made a nasty comment .When she was up she looked at me and said ' I'm sorry that was a bit harsh.' She was blushing and I just smiled and said,' no,no it's okay your right I should have looked where I was going .' She then smiled and walked past me , god her smile. I was still starting at her ass when I saw Mrs Blanchard in front of me. ' Mrs Swan are you okay ?, She isn't a very nice person.' ' Yeah I'm good thank you , you wanted to see me ?' 'Yes , I want to talk to you about your daughter.' O no her we go again Lacy always finds herself in some kind of trouble.' What did she do ?', I ask the question already knowing not something good.' Well , she is a really good kid , she just has a very big bullying problem and she's kind of influencing another child and his mother is a big no if it comes to him.' ' Is that the woman who just ran into me ?'' Yes , so will you talk to Lucy and maybe get back to me Mrs Swan ?', I knew she wasn't being good.' Yes I will thanks for telling me.'' Well that's kinda my job but it's a pleasure , so how are you settling into the small town ?', small talk ugh I hate it.' Actually good thank you , I have to go uh call me if she gets worse?' " Yes , I will , good day Mrs Swan '. ' To you to Mrs Blanchard' I walked out and get in my yellow bug on my way home.I get home to find Lacy fast asleep and decided to go sleep as well ,' night baby sweet dreams', I kiss lacy goodnight and go to my bed.I lay there thinking about the beautiful brunette and soon enough I am fast asleep.

Regina's POV:

I came home to find Henry in front of the TV watching his show ,' hey Hen how was your day ?, I asked . ' Hay mama , pretty good except for getting detention , and yours ?', he was up hugging me and I can't help but hug back he is my knight in shining armour .' Okay except for hearing you got detention ', I smile at him and he says,' I'm sorry mom I was busy playing with a piece of paper and I tried to impress Lacy so I threw Josh with the paper.' I can't help but laugh a little at his attempt to impress a girl," Oh honey I think you can do it better than that you are quite the romantic hunk you know', he is blushing bright red when he says,' thank you mom but she thinks I'm a wimp , she's so so bad and she said I'm a pretty boy meaning I'm a wimp .' " Hen , your not a wimp and I bet if you get your hair cut she'll see how gorgeous you really are ', I try so hard not to laugh at his face when I tell him that he's gorgeous but sadly failed.' Momma don't laugh at me I really like her and I need her too like me!'' okay okay I'm sorry , what did you eat tonight ?' ' Bethany made me mack and cheese there is some in the fridge for you.' I am quite hungry and tired and at the same time wanting to take a shower . ' Thank you Hen , I think it's bed time though you have to be up early tomorrow.' ' Okay night mama I love you .', he kisses me on my cheek and goes up to his room to get ready for bed , I stand up and warm up some of the mack and cheese Bethany, Henry's nanny made then I take a shower and go to Henry's room to say night ,'night my sweet prince sleep well', I kiss him on top of his head and go to bed . I lay there thinking of my day ,my head keeps pulling me to the woman who walked in to me , beautiful blond curls framed her face , eyes the colour of sea water . I drifted off to sleep slowly.

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