Kawahira smiled and then his face become serious. "Do you want to see how's Vongola in the future?"

"THE WHAT?" the five men (Even Alaude) shouted in unison, which made the woman and the child covered their ear.

"Shh... Not so loud. Do you want Sawada-san and Ietsuna-kun to turn deaf." Kawahira said worrying about the two.

"I'm sorry, Riko, Tsuna, are you alright?" Ieyasu worried about his beloved wife and son.

"Haha... Sorry about that Riko-san, Tsuna." Asari said.

"I'm extremely sorry." Knuckle said.

"Sorry Riko-nee, Tsuna." Lampo said.

"Sorry." Hibari said.

"Sorry. Are you two ok?" Gokudera worried about his best friend's wife and son.

"I'm ok, thank. But don't shout next time." Riko smiled warmly. "Tsu-kun, are you ok?"

Ietsuna nodded, "Tsu-kun is ok. Otou-san and uncles is so loud." Ieyasu riffled his son hair.

Kawahira cleared his throat to catch the other attention. "So what is your answer? Do you want to know or not?" he looked at the former boss and his Guardians. "Well you can discuss with your friends first if you want. I won't force you, it's your decision."

"Otou-san, what is he talking about?" Ietsuna asked.

Everyone looked at the young blonde. "Ietsuna-kun, we're talking about some business, you'll understand it someday. Right now, let's just stay quiet." Kawahira smiled. Ietsuna nodded.

Ieyasu and his former Guardians seemed to have a hard time making decisions.

"Why do we want to know about what will happen to Vongola when we're have nothing to do it anymore." Lampo said.

"Shut up, brat! We are not the one to make this decision. It's the boss'." G said.

"G, I'm not the boss anymore so don't call me that." Giotto commented.

"Even if you're not the boss anymore, but you were the one that created Vongola. So it's your decision." Asari said.

The former Guardians looked at their boss.

Giotto signed, "Actually, I really want to see how's Vongola in the future. I know it's not going to turn out like what we want- the vigilante group that protect others - since Vongola is now a mafia. I just want to know that if it's a good or a bad idea creating Vongola."

The former Guardians look at their boss and smiled. "That's our boss!" They said. (Except Alaude)

"But how do we know if he's telling the truth or not." Lampo said.

G smacked Lampo head, "Giotto's Hyper Intuition, you idiot!"

"You dont have to hit me, pinky"


"So that is your decision, Vongola Primo" Kawahira cut, not letting G curse.


Kawahira smiled,"Ok! Then let's go" he said.

"Where are we going?" Knuckle asked.

"To see the future of course." Kawahira said.

There is a really bright light, so they closed their eyes. When the opened their eyes, they realized that they are not in Sawada resident. They're in a white room, everything in the room was white. In the room there is a long couch that fit 10 people, a small table with some food on top, and a big screen TV. After scanning the room, they noticed that everyone is here including Ietsuna and Riko.

"Where are we, otou-san?" the little blonde asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Giotto worried about his son and wife because he didn't want them to get involved in this mess.

"Yasu, you don't have to worried about us." Riko said, seeing the worries looked on her husband face.

"But I don't want you to see this. It's very-"

"I know." Riko smiled. "I'm ok. But Tsu-kun..." she looked at the younger blonde.

"Don't worry about that. I'll just keep the bad scenes short." a familiar white haired man appeared.

"Where are we?" Alaude demanded.

"We're in time-space room. This room is for people to see what happened in the past or in the future. Only a few selected people had visited this room. Also, you can travel to another timeline in this room."

"Travel to another timeline?"

"Yes. I've traveled to another timeline before, whether it's the past or the future."

"You mean you're a time traveler!?" G asked, "But that impossible!"

"Well... You can say that it impossible for normal people, but for us it's possible."

"Are you from the future?" Giotto asked.

"Yes indeed. I can from the future about 200 years from now."

"200 years?" Knuckle said. "That's an extremely long time."

Kawahira nodded. "Ok, I'll show you the future of Vongola but you can't interfere or there will be time paradox." He warned. "Why don't you all sit down and enjoy the show?"

Everyone settled down. From the left to right: Knuckle, Lampo, Asari, Riko, Giotto(with Ietsuna on his lap) G and Alaude.

The video has started. On the screen there is a word say: Vongola

"Prepare yourself to see the future of Vongola." Kawahira said which made everyone gulped.

A Chance To See The Future [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now