In night they Prey - Part 1

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Hey there!

This is one of the stories I had started back in high school...nearly 1o yrs ago! Shit that makes me sound

Please feel free to comment! Stories go a long way with different perspectives!



In Night They Prey

He watched her as she took down her target. Smooth, graceful and deadly. He had admired her from afar and against his better judgment had followed her to many of these same stakeouts. He knew of the other organization agents waiting for her in the van who were on standby. She was the best in her field. Never had he seen such a fatal assassin, a better predator. The governmental agency she worked for had worked hard on her but she alone had achieved her goal. The men who followed her did so out of love, trust and loyalty, knowing they couldn't ask for better. And the one named Bruce shone with pride when he looked upon the woman he considered his own child.

She finished her kill and wiped off her knife, as efficient as always. His little Sin preferred up-close contact when possible. The scent of blood assailed him and the look of satisfaction on her face pulled him to her like no other. He didn't know why, but this time was different, this time, he couldn't stop himself from taking what he wanted and may consequences be damned...


Another day, another kill. I looked dispassionately at the open lifeless eyes that stared right back at me. A drug lord this time that happened to think life owed him little girls and boys for his own pleasure. I stood up and gave the status quo to Bruce and the team in the van. That's when I heard it.

A movement so slight, I would never have caught it normally. I don't know what possessed me to swivel around when I did but I thank whatever instinct made me do so...even though it wouldn't be enough.

The man who looked like he stood at 6'5 on first glance charged me so fast; I hardly had time to dodge out of his way before attempting to deliver a resounding kick to his face. He managed to dodge the blow to my surprise.

He moved with astounding speed and seemed to be all around me as he swerved and delved, circling me madly like some wild beast, making my head turn this way and that as I tried uselessly to keep my guard up.

I realized a bit too late that although he wasn't attacking right away, he was doing a nice job of disorienting me. The knowledge that he was using such an animalistic trick and that I had fell for it surged me with pure rage.

I could hear Bruce yelling in my ear now, demanding to know what was happening when I was hit from behind. I went down hard but rolled away before it could land on me. Taking out my knives once again, I swiveled and went to my dark spot.

I blocked out every other sound, every other sense and just concentrated on what moved in front and around me. I didn't swivel madly around to keep him in sight but instead held my ground, waiting for some telltale sign of when he'd approach.

I didn't know what he was except that he was Other. Bruce, the team and I were only too well aware of Otherworld beings. In fact, it was our specialization, the reason our team was created. A team specifically handpicked for our unique abilities and/or experiences. It helped that we were the only ones crazy enough to even accept this position.

We were dispatched to find and exterminate the ruthless ones guilty of preying on innocents. But regardless of the fact that we were the world's version of experts, it didn't change the fact that I still had difficulty pinpointing which Otherworld being I was dealing with at the moment.

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