Just Smile, Please?

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Opening my front door at midnight has become a routine in my life. The thrill of going behind my parents back has diminished, though that doesn't mean I haven't been caught a couple of times. Ever since I was a kid parents kept their children away from me. "She's a bad influence." Is what I would hear whispered as I walked by. It never concurred to me that I should care. I always have the mindset that if you don't like what someone else is doing don't look. I took out my house key and locked my house up. "Hurry up before we get caught." said Mel. I found myself rolling my eyes as I walked across my front yard. As I got in the passenger seat of her blue prius I slammed the door. "Jesus, Whitney could you be any louder?" asked Mel in a motherly tone.

"Just go." I said. The lights passed by one after one. I leaned my seat back and looked up at the carpeted ceiling. The silence scared me and I turned up the radio.

"Please Whitney, think for once. The cops will be on my ass, we have a curfew. Just, don't draw attention." Mel said. I rolled my eyes and fell back to the leather seats. Now Mel's heavy breathing and the wheels rolling across pavement was all you could hear. My eyes felt heavier and heavier and I struggled with myself to keep them open because I knew once they closed I would be asleep and God only know what Mel would do. Probably turn around and take me home. This might surprise you, but sometimes Mel was the downer.

When we met as children. She had her lunch set neatly on the cafeterias prolonged tables. I mean she looked like freaking Martha Stewart's daughter, even though her lunch was only PB&J. I sat down next to her with my food all over the place on my tray. After the awkward silence all through lunch, Mel said in a frustrated voice "At least use a napkin." As she handed me a plaid fabric napkin folded into a perfect triangle. I smiled and somehow the friendship lasted and we both picked up things from each other. I nodded off thinking of Mel and smiling to myself. I was surprised when I was waken up by Mel shoving me saying we're here. I opened my eyes to find myself at a bar in the middle of the city. I saw the sign that was neon red that said The Basement. I waited in line. When me and Mel got to the front the security guard eyed us.

"Hey. Carl." I said and flashed him a smile. He was always a push over unlike other bouncers which I hassled enough for them to let me in.

"Whitney, I swear to God if you or your little friend get me in trouble your ass will be fried. That clear?"

"Like a crystal." I said smirking and walked through the double doors. When I walked in 20 year old guys were looking at me like I was some kind of toy. I smiled playfully at them and turned and pulled Mel to the bar. "Two vodkas on the rocks." I told the cute bartender who in return smiled and started making our drinks. He came over and looked at me dead in the eye.

"Your new?" he asked. I laughed at that remark.

"I wish. Sadly I was born and raised here. I come here a lot though and never seen the likes of you." I commented touching his shoulder.

"2nd day on the job." He said. This guy intrigued me unlike others he seemed as if he didn't want to just sleep with me, I have never went all the way but you would never know it.

"Well not too shabby." I said holding up my drink and downing it. The familiar feeling in my chest that I loved put a smile on my face.

"I get off at 2. Save me a dance." the 2nd timer bartender said. I smiled and turned to walk away. "Wait," said the bartender, "never caught your name."

I giggled and tuned around "Whitney."

"James." He responded. James, I thought cute. I totally forgot about Mel until I saw an college guy flirting with her at the bar. I turned to him,

"Excuse us for a minute." I said pulling her off the stool. "I just met that cute bartender. Geez he is fine."

"Well I was talking to someone and we could exchange stories except someone pulled me away from him." said Mel who was now walking back to her original seat. Well no use of that. I got out on the dance floors and just let the beat take control. The lead singer caught my eyes though he wasn't my type. No musicians.

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