Triggering Topics

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Depression, cutting, suicide, suicide attempts, anorexia, bulimia, etc. There are many fans that have and are suffering from these and other disorders, and they have expressed that their favorite band or celebrity has helped them in incredible ways. I always love seeing posts about fans getting better because of a certain band or celebrity because it just shows how impactful these artists are. They're not just here to make music or use their performing talents; they are here to inspire.

And since this is true for a lot of fans, it sounds like a pretty good story idea, right? But as much as it could be a good story, there comes a point in time when fanfictions are a way for these fans to get out of reality and into another world with a celebrity. It might be nice for fans to read an author's fanfiction about their favorite member helping the main character with her depression or disorder, but sometimes when the author writes about them cutting or attempting suicide, it can get too much for the readers.

I just have to say this because I never realized this before. I had thought of putting one of these topics in a fanfiction and I ran it by one of my friends before going through with it and I'm glad she told me not to. She had fallen into depression due to bullying a few years back and although she's better now, she doesn't like reading fanfictions with these topics because it reminds her of those bad days. Even if the story ends well with the celebrity helping the main character, there can still be graphic scenes that she doesn't want to read, and although she can "skip" those scenes, they are still there.

I understand not all people are like this and that there are people who are unaffected by reading about these triggering topics. And I know that there are very popular fanfictions with these topics as the main idea. But sometimes it's better to leave it out and think of another idea.

I am not telling any authors that they can't ever write these topics, but please just keep this in mind. Fanfictions are entertainment. They are here for our enjoyment. They are here for us to dive into another world and imagine our favorite celebrities as someone else. So just be careful and think of others when deciding what to write. The last thing an author wants to do is lose a reader because they accidentally brought up some bad memories in the reader's life. It's better for authors to use their imagination to create a fun and interesting world for their audience.

Thank you for reading all of this and I hope you take this into consideration. I just want what's best for everyone. :)

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