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• Emily's POV •

At last, my shift for the day was over. I let out a dramatic sigh after pulling up in front of my house (well, my moms actually, but shh) and i quickly got out my car.

Its my birthday. In all honesty, i almost forgot. But don't tell the girls that. They'll murder me in my sleep.

I pull down on the door handle to see if mom was home, before remembering she had earlier on told me she had a business meeting and was going to be home late. However, the door opened. Strange.

I step inside, scared. You see, I haven't exactly had the best past. But that story's for another day.


I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud 'suprise'.

There was confetti. Everywhere. And people. Lots of people.

A suprise party? For me? Yep, my friends are officially the best.

Suddenly music booms through the room right before the girls run to me and we all group hug.

"Thanks so much guys!" I shout over the loud speakers. I grabbed a bottle of Vodka and chugged it down.



7x10 was insane.

• Mary is Spencers mom, meaning she is Mary's second child. (i mean we all kinda guessed that lmfao)

• Jenna has been taken by AD.
Noel's head fell off. i don't really know what to say about this tbh.

and more that I cant remember lol.



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