making a friend and injures

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As I was eating Harry started to talk to me "he looking at you again"  I looked over to see snape glaring at me he didn't stop even when I stared at him I took a few bites of my food and left I got a concerned look from Dumbledore. "Want me to sneak you some food?" Harry asked "no I'll mange one night without eating" I said "professor snape leaving" Harry said I quickly made my way to potions classroom were I'm suppose to have detention I as I made it to the class room door I heard a voice say "I'm surprised you didn't get lost" his voice set rage in my body "wasn't lost" I hissed as I pushed the door open and walked in "your job today it to wash the cauldrons and wipe down the desk" he said as walked to his desk he pointed to the cleaning supplies I walked over and grabbed the rag and sponge I looked around "no gloves?" I asked "you don't need them" he said as opened up a book I shrugged and began cleaning them.

"Why do you stare at me during meals?" I asked
"None of your business" he sneered
I continued cleaning as I got to the last cauldron I heard snape say
"Do your parents make you clean with gloves?" He asked
"None of your business" I said just to mess with him I could feel his glare burn holes in the back of my head I finished the last cauldron and walked over to the desks and started wiping the desks down
"Is every thing alright in your home life?" He asked I looked up at him his black orbs stared in my (e/c) ones
"Everything great wonderful I love my home life" I said sarcastically
"I have come across kids like you almost every time something bad was going on in there home life" he said
"My home life great honestly mum a lawyer dad doctor"I said trying my best to hide the fact I was lying he went back to reading I quickly finish wiping the desk I walked up to him.
"I'm done" I said he looked up "you can go" he said I quickly left and went to the girls chambers I quickly did my homework for the day and washed up for bed I wore my long (c/o/c) sleeved shirt and my (c/o/c) sweats I laid down and drifted into slumber

I sitting on my mattress using  leaning my back on the concert wall when I heard a young boy say "I did do it" suddenly I saw a small boy with circle glasses green eyes and dark brown messy hair his face was red "who are you?" He asked "who am I who are you?" I asked "I'm Harry potter what you doing in my room?"
"Your room your in mine" I said trying to be quiet so star couldn't hear I was up "who are you?" He asked trying to stay quite " (y/n) potter"  he stared for a moment "your last name potter?" He asked "yes" I whispered I thought about it I remember wolf told me I had twin brother "when your birthday?"  I  asked  " July 31" he said "mine to I think your my twin brother" I said "really? It be cool having a twin hey why is it so dark were you are?" He asked "it almost always dark here I'm always in my cell" I said "cell you mean like what they put bad people in?" He asked "yes but I'm not a bad person" I said "oh why are you in a cell?" He asked "don't know I always been in this cell" I said I heard star coming down the stairs "time to draw time to draw" she cheered "oh no" I whispered "who that" tear welled in my eyes "star please no" I begged she gave laugh as she lit a candle and open the cell door "what going on?" Harry asked
"Now now (y/n) be a good girl and let me draw without force" she said I lifted my shirt so my back was showing and laying on my stomach she place the candle on my back letting the hot wax burn me "what going on?" Harry asked again star brushed her razor on my back "I sharpened it today" she laughed "what shall I draw hmm you put me out the drawing mood now I'm in a writing mood" she said I cried when she began carving in to my bad I looked over to Harry who had a scared face but he slowly disappeared
~dream end~

I woke up to  a girl shaking me I sat up wiping the sweat and tears off my face I looked at her she had blond hair and brown eye "finally" she whispered "you were crying and shaking in your sleep night terrors?" She asked "yes I'm sorry I woke you up" I said "it ok take this it dreamless sleep potion I have them to every now and then this help" she said as she handed me a small veil "thank you I really appreciate it" I said "my dad gonna send more soon if you want will I'll give you half of what he sends" she said in a very kind voice "yeah thank you I'm (y/n)" I said "Catherine you can call me cat" she said "I hope they have some thing sweet for breakfast" she said I opened my drawer and pulled out the bag of candy Harry had given me "would you like a chocolate wand or blood pop?" I asked "chocolate wand please" she said I handed her the chocolate wand I pulled out a blood pop "what time is it?" " around Six thirty" she said as she took a bite of the chocolate wand "eh no point in trying to go bad to sleep" I mumbled I put the blood pop in my mouth Harry was right it not that bad "yeah get dressed let go get some breakfast" she said "they don't serve breakfast until seven thirty" I said "not if we go into the kitchen they'll give something" she said "forget get dress let go I'm starving" she said as she tugged on my arm I followed her to the kitchen I yawned as we entered the kitchen and short little creatures were rooming around "what are they?" I whispered her "house elfs" she responded  one of them come up she handed him some money "two early breakfast please" she said the house smiled "coming right up" he laughed as he walked  to fix us a plate of pancakes and bacon we sat at the table that was in the room he also brought us some raspberry Danish we both thanked him as we quickly dug in to are pancakes after we finished we got wash and ready for are day

Time skip

I had some time to spare before my next class but Harry didn't I went  to talk with Dumbledore I entered his office "hello (y/n)" he said "hey" I said I could help wondering where I'll end up after the year "is everything all right?" He ask "yes I was wondering where I will end up after the school year" I said looking down at my feet "I'm looking in to it at the very worst you'll end up in a orphange" he said I stood there for a moment before thinking of something I wonder if he could find out the symbol wolf said I'm part of "headmaster you have a lot of access to lots of things I was wondering if you can find out of anything about a crescent moon symbol that some are a part of" I mumbled "what do you mean?" He asked "it hard to explain but I need to know if the symbol of the crescent moon has something to do with people being apart of it if you could find out anything out I would gladly appreciate  it " I said "I'll look in to it" he said and with I left
~big time skip~
It halloween and Harry talk of the school he the youngest seeker of the century  I was going in to the great hall for supper the tables filled with candy sweets I licked my lip looking at it all "wanna go check on Hermione Neville said she been in the bathroom all day crying" Harry said I turned around and went straight to Hermione as I walked in the bathroom I heard Hermione crying "Hermione you ok?" I ask "just go away" she said I went and sat by the bathroom stalls "not leaving what going?" I asked "I'm just a loser with no friends" she cried "I'm your friend and your not a  loser your amazing person your the smartest girl in school you can most likely out smart all the ravenclaws" I said she opened the bathroom stall door "really?" She asked I nodded she wiped her face and smile "troll in the castle!" Harry thought screamed at me "me and Ron and coming to you" she said before I could tell Hermione we should go we heard large footsteps come towards us "Harry we found the troll" I said to him as the troll entered the bathroom me and Hermione froze for until it swung it club at us we jumped to the side avoiding getting hit we hide in the bathroom stalk crawling under stall after stall to the troll was destroying them all "what do we do" I yelled "I don't know" she cried "(y/n)! Hermione!" You okay!" Harry yelled "for now!" I yelled me and Hermione tried to make are way to Harry and Ron but failed as the troll had us trapped Hermione was looking anywhere we could run to "Hermione move!" Harry yelled the troll swung at her pushed her out of the way taking the full hit and slamming in to the wall last thing I heard was Harry call my name before slipping in to darkness.

Third person view

The troll had Harry by the leg "Ron do something" Harry yelled "do what!?" He asked "anything" Harry said "swish and flick Wingardium Leviosa" Hermione instructed him Ron grabbed his wand and casted the spell levitating the trolls club confusing the troll as it watched it float up the spell broke causing the club to fall and smash the troll face knocking it out and let go of Harry Harry grabbed his wand from the trolls nose and rushing to (y/n) side "she still breathing" he said he looked at your slightly bloody face wiping some of your blood of your face professor McGonagall snape and quirell came rushing in professor McGonagall let out  let little yell looking at the troll "help" Harry whimpered as looked at your unconscious body they looked severus ran and examined your body before rushing you to the medical wing as he rushed in madam promfey immediately rushed to you "what happened?" She question "troll" snape managed out of breath "you'll need  to leave I'll have undress her" she said  snape quickly walked and waiting  by the door

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