~Elinya’s POV~

“Hey, Elinya!” Reinya called, sitting down beside me on the stone bench I was currently sitting on.

“Hey Reinya.” I greeted, giving her a little bow. “It is quite a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

Reinya didn’t answer, but she went to examine my face. “Are you feeling sick, at all? Anything at all?” She asked.

"I'm fine," I protested.

"I know you are lying to me," Reinya stated, "I can see it in your eyes."

"Alright," I sighed, "what did you want to talk about?"

"I was talking with Gorell earlier today, and Thranduil has been in a bad mood lately," Reinya explained, "So it is going to be harder for us to go to you know where."

"That's alright I can go by myself," I attempted to talk Reinya out of accompanying me to Mount Doom. It would be too dangerous to let anyone else sacrifice their life for.

"Are you crazy!" Reinya looked shocked, "We may not be able to leave on good terms, but we are still coming. No way am I going to let you go alone. I was going to say, that Gorell and I have made plans to sneak out of the west gate at midnight.”

“Are you sure this not too risky?” I asked.

“Oh Geeze, you’ll be fine,” Reinya smiled, “You and Legolas will meet us at my Ranch at midnight.”

“Sounds good,” I forced a fake smile across my face.

“See you later,” Reinya winked standing up from the bench and walking back into the castle.  

I kept a smile across my face until Reinya walked out of sight. There was no way I had any chance of persuading Reinya to change her mind. What was I to do? What was I to do?  

After some time, I stood up and walked out into the dense forest. By now I knew my way around well enough, that I did not worry about getting lost. But sure enough, despite my confidence in knowing the area, I found myself in an unfamiliar place, but when I turned, I could still see the Mirkwood palace distantly through the trees.

I turned my head to north of the palace when I heard horse hooves hit the ground behind me. Spinning around I saw flash of white behind the trees. “Anyone there?” I asked, but there was no answer.

I then heard another hoof hit the ground behind me, and once again I spun around to see who was there, but nothing out of the ordinary was standing behind me. “What is going on?”

For a few more seconds, I stood there I listening to see if there was someone playing games or if it was just the wind. I was about to turn around once again, when I felt someone breathing down my back. Slowly and cautiously I turned to face the one behind me.

“Mearas,” I whispered. I could not believe my eyes. “The greatest horses in all of Middle-earth.” These horses were virtually untrainable, the only one in all of Middle-earth’s history was Felaróf, who was tamed by the first King of Rohan. Ever since then the horses have roamed the north.  

{Shadowfax was a descendant of Felaróf! He was also among the very few who of the Mearas that were trained}

    At first, I was afraid to even move because I thought that the horse might spook. But then slowly I raised my hand and gently placed it on the gelding’s forelock. He didn’t even flinch, if anything he leaned into my hand.

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