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The night started turning into a blur before I expected. My world was spinning by the time I was unable to control what I said, I simply spoke my thoughts. For someone that wasn't supposed to be able to feel the way others felt when intoxicated, well, I was killing the game.

"And then-"
"No one cares, Paul!" I shouted painfully, confused why Paul was telling us about how his mother gave birth to him.
"You know, that's why." Jared slurred.
"Why what?"
"Why we didn't work out."
"Because there's a thingy called fucking imprints!" I shouted, I was still not sure why I felt the need to shout all my sentences, but I did.
"No! Because you are my imprint." He said sincerely, holding his beer bottle to his chest. "But some God decided that he didn't want that and that you deserved better, I totally agree. So, yeah I'm sad, but you're going to get what you give and you give a lot. And I mean, she is so hot. I bet everyone is gonna want a piece of her but man is she just so good lo-"
"Shut up!" I yelled, confused how Jared went from telling me how much he liked me to how much he liked his new imprint. "I'm calling James." I stupidly decided.
     "Who the hell is James?" One of the boys asked.
     "Great sex." I said as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, finding his number in my contacts. He picked up several rings later.
     "Taylor?" He said seductively.
     "Hey, I really have to pee but I'm at La Push and would love if you'd come pick me up since I know you sometimes hang with your bud here." Chuckles echoed through the other end.
     "I'm not in Forks right now, baby."
     "Oh." I said sadly.
     "But I'm not in Seattle either... How about I pick you up in an hour?"
     "Mmm hmm."
     "Meet me at the La Push border?"
     "Kay." I hung up.
     "I bet he could smell the alcohol on the other end of the phone." Embry teased. I rolled my eyes and stumbled my way to the ground, laying on my back.
"I just don't like this feeling." I sighed.
"What feeling?" Quil asked.
"Of internal pain." I laughed. "It's just like I'm so happy, then shit comes around again." I explained, waving my hands is circles above me. "This never ending anxiety and heartache."
"Deep." Paul blurted.
"I guess." I said, dropping my beer bottle, letting it shatter near my leg. A small piece of glass stuck into the side of my knee. I pulled it out within seconds, feeling my body heal the wound unnaturally.
     "I'm gonna head to the border." I explained, standing up.
     "Who is this dude?" Jared asked.
     "A guy better looking than you." I said over my shoulder, walking towards the dark huddle of trees.
     "I'm gonna get lost, can someone come with me?" I asked, turning around. Jacob found his feet and walked towards me.
     "At least we'll get lost together."

We walked into the darkness for a while, following the faint porch lights down the hill, the bright moon helped us as well.
"How are you?" I asked. I could tell he wasn't at his best. The way his sad eyes never looked up and his broad shoulders slumped towards the dirt below may have been the giveaway, or maybe it was that I hadn't seen in sunshine smile for far too long. Or maybe it was the alcohol. I knew he loved Bella, and I knew she took him for granted.
"It's just so shitty. Her jackass leaves but when he comes back she's in the palm of his hand again. All I do is love her and she won't even give me a chance." He concluded.
"Is she your imprint?"
"I don't see how she's not."
"Then the world will find a way. Maybe you don't have to try as hard. If she's meant for you, it'll happen. I still have to pee." I added. Jacob laughed.
"Do you know which way we need to go?" He asked.
"Just follow the shiny things."

We told stories to each other until we found our way into La Push. We then walked down the dimly lit, black paved road all the way to the border. I noticed the blurry black car that looked mysterious under the bright grey moon.
     "This is my stop." I informed once we were only a dozen feet from the slick black vehicle. I saw James get out of his car and walk towards us. He had grown out his loose curls halfway down his neck, and every time I saw him his jawline became more pronounced. His muscular build was covered in all black. The way his coat flew behind him in the wind made you feel like he was prepared to walk down a runway, not a small town nameless street. It was too bad his personality made his adoring looks pointless. I turned back to Jacob who looked too sad to care about anything. A pout formed on my lips, I felt bad for his aching heart.
     "Thanks for walking me here."
     "No problem." I kissed his cheek then turned to James. I walked towards his now still body, slowly gaining consciousness of the real world. He raised an eyebrow once I was standing in front of him.
     "You can walk? You sounded too drunk to think when you called me."
     "It's wearing off." I admitted, but I still felt more tipsy than I should.
     "Who's the shirtless rat?"
     "His name's Jacob." I informed, tilting my head to the side. "He's actually more of a dog than a rat, though." James' brilliant smile shined in the darkness.
     "That's good to know. What's your relationship with him?"
     "Only sex one hundred times a day." James' smile faded. "I'm just kidding. He's my friend." James grabbed my hand, leading me towards his car.
     "What brings you here?"
     "School, I think." He chuckled under his breath  "So what brings me here?" I laughed.
     "I think you know."
      "I don't."
      "Are you willing to take me back?" I rolled my eyes.
     "As if."
     "You know that I'd change for you."
     "I'll have to pass you up on that."
     "Then why are you here?"
     "It's probably stupid, I'll regret it in the morning, but I'm sad and drunk."
     "Fine with me." He smiled wickedly.
     "Now that's why we will never work."
     "Because you're stubborn."
     "Because you have no heart."
     "Or soul." He agreed.

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