Justin |•2•|

358 21 1

~•~ I figured that I would put the word count at the end of every chapter, but, Enjoy Babes😋💙~•~

"Justin, you need to find a job!" My fucktard of a father, yelled at me.

He's not serious right now! If I get a job, all they're gonna do is take my fucking money and spend it on fucking drugs!

"Justin! Your father is right! Get a fucking job and stop being a lazy ass!" My hoe ass off a mother screamed.

How many abortions she got? That's why her body look like shit now.

"Why don't you bitches get a job?" I started. They looked at me shocked.

Maybe because you never cursed at them before, you always tried to keep your inner beast at bay.

"If I get a job, my money that I make will go to shit I want or need! When I get paid, my money will stay with me! I'm not giving y'all motherfuckers my fucking money to spend on drugs you don't need!" I spat, all in one breath.

They looked angry, but before they could open their mouths, I continued.

"You both are a bunch of fucking druggies! I can't fucking wait until I can get enough money to move out and leave you two no good of a fucking parents by your gotdamn selves!" I finished.

They looked appalled.

I have been holding this shit on my chest for the longest! No fucking more.

My male sperm donor, gripped at my neck and shoved me into a wall.

"Who do you think you are, talking to me that way, you fucking sissy?!" He yelled in my face, spit flying everywhere.

I could fell my face harden. My eyes slowly darkening.

I quickly reached my hands forward and gripped his head together in my hands.

Flinging myself forward, sending us both on the ground.

"Don't call me a fucking sissy!" I yelled, squishing his head together.

My father yelled in pain, trying to get me off of him, but no.

Not the best idea.

Quickly, I pushed my finger into his dark brown eye socket and grabbed ahold of it. He's shaking like he was about to have a seizure underneath me, looking at me with such fear, and yelling in pure agony.

Yanking the brown ball out, ripping his socket in the process, he yelled even louder.

Getting off of him, I let him roll over like a fucking baby, clutching his empty eye socket.

"Pathetic!" I spat, looking down at him.

Dropped his bloody eye ball on the ground, I lifted me shoe covered foot and smashed his eyeball.

I smiled, walking over to my shocked, yet terrified women sperm donor, I tapped her head like a dog, and proceeded my way to the door.

"I'm going to go look for a job, you guys should too, assuming you won't be getting any money to pay any rent next month." I said loudly.

"Also!" I called out. "Never call me a fucking sissy, pussy!" And I slammed the door on my way out, leaving a scared women and a bitch, moaning and groaning on the floor.

Justin is crazy😂
Comment your thoughts😋
Ideas are very well appreciated😊

°Word count - 547°

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