Chapter 11-Hogsmeade Treat

Start from the beginning

"Neither did I. But I enjoyed it. Reminds me of a movie I used to know."

"Come on let's get out of here Hermione. If you done that is."

"Okay but first you have sauce on your lip."

He smiles as I go to get a napkin. "Don't use a napkin! It'll scratch my delicate porcelain skin."

I laugh and get up from the table. I go over to Draco and sit on his leg. "Is your skin that delicate?"

"Yep only a kiss from the greatest girlfriend in the world can get this stuff off."

I smile and kiss him softly, licking the sauce off his lip. He kisses back and we don't stop until we are getting stares.

I get up to leave and Draco grabs my hand. "Don't stop now you two. It was just getting good to watch. It was rather sweet if I say so myself."

I hear that soft, beautiful, musical, delicate, voice of only one person I know.

Luna Lovegood is standing in front of me along with Neville. Neville looks at Malfoy, "Draco, are you and Hermione a thing?"

Draco smiles, "Well she did call me her boyfriend when she was jealous. I think that counts."

I punch his shoulder, softly of course. "Hey, Mudblood don't bruise me. It hurts."

Luna and Neville stand wide eyed, waiting for me to retaliate. I lean on his shoulder smiling. "You know Hermione, when you think of Malfoy you have tons of nargles in your brain. He makes you feel fuzzy."

"Your right Luna, he makes me feel warm and fuzzy."

I suddenly notice that those two are hand holding themselves. "Neville how long have you and Luna been going out?"

"About since after the War. We realized how much we had in common."

I smile at the two of them. The two oddballs a little bit, finally found their place together.

"Well we will see you around you two. Hermione and I have some business to attend to."

I overhear Luna say, "Neville lop, there's someone up in the ceiling. Don't you see the shadow?"

He scoops me up, almost gracefully, you guess what style. "Draco, people are gonna stare."

"Why wouldn't they at the most beautiful thing in the room? I need to let other guys know your mine."

He walks out of Three Broomsticks. We are out in the street. "Ollivander's closed, never thought I'd see the day."

"Me neither Draco. I got my wand there and ol Ollivander was the kindest chap around."

"I know. Now where shall we go?"

"Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. I wanna see George."

Draco nods and carries me into the shop. "Hermione! Hello, how're you?"

George comes out and I can clearly see that he is more than sad. "Hey why're you with this HOODLUM! No Malfoy allowed!"

George comes at Draco offensively and Draco throws his hands up. His sleeve, revealing his new Mark slides down and George sees it. "Private Property of Hermione Granger?"

George bursts out laughing, "You two are an item? And Malfoy that Mark is too stay! How'd that even happen? You know, I don't wanna know. Now what can I get ya?"

"A love potion please."


He ducks under the counter a moment and comes back with a love potion. "Here ya are. Are there some problems?"

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