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What do you want ?
I want love. I want a smile, a warm hug, honest words, shoulders to lean on, hands to help me. I want my wings open, wind under me, and somewhere to go. I want someone to be there when I need it. I want to cry,  curl myself and scream. To smash a wall, to punch everybody.
Who are you ?
I'm a puzzle without a model, a maze without a map, a forest hiding ruins and wonders under its deadly thorns. I'm a pretentious jerk who lives in his illusions, in his head and who doesn't pay attention to the world around him. I'm an ugly undesirable asshole. I'm a fire without wood, without anybody to warm up.
I'm lonely. So lonely in this noisy stupid crowd.
Why can't things be simple ? Why can't I smile, love, do what I want ?
But you don't answer. You never do. And I keep falling apart.

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