the smell of blood

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I laid up against a tree the blood reaked the whole forrest. But it wasn't mine the blood smelled like rust and salt. The trees barked scraped against my back as I tried to dodge a arrow flying by my head. As I flew by I felt like I lived my life in a minute I never been scared in my life. The cold wind chapped my lips my mouth was drier than the dessert. The tears that fell down my face hunted me my feelings crushed by the guy that used to love me but I guess I loved him and the wind chapped my cheeks from the drying of the salty tears that fell far they all reached the ground. I watched them hit the soil floor that was so thick that looked like carpet. I knew I had to flea if I didn't I was to be killed by the great eneme. So I ran I as fast as my cold clamy feet could go the wind whipped at my rosey cheeks. The ground was so moist and the moist grass rubbed against my flip flops. My legs froze all I know was my face hit the dirt. I large shadow appears in front of me and looks at me and smiles. "I didn't think it would be easy to find you." Said the man I stared at him like a deer in head lights. I thought of a plan but its a long shot " man the boss will be proud." He said I clawed both of his ankles then he fell like a frozen statue. His screams ringed in my ears but I kept on going run in the cold misty woods.I got really tired so I laid up against an old oak tree it smelled of butter milk and coconut. I heard sobbing in the distance it sounded like Ade I ran to that direction even though I was tired and ready to give up. I kept on going until the horrid screaming of pain got closer." Ade what happend to you." I said "I guess a vampire hunter saw me running and thought I was a vampire and stabbed me with a stake." She said "look ade im gonna have to pull it out." I said "okay please go easy on me." She said "alright hear we go." I said. I put my hands on the large wood stick pokeing out of her chest."ahhhhouwww." She screamed the woods were so quite there were no noises only the sound of the wind blowing against the trees making them collide there branches. The fog started to roll in as the moon rose to the highest it could go. Then I ripped it out of her chest as hard and fast as I could it was pining her to the tree her scream of pain was so loud I had to cover my ears it sounded like a coyote cry. "Are you a coyote ? " I asked her. If she is a coyote than she has to be an alpha coyote which that couldn't happend unless she has killed or if she is a true alpha. "Only you know this okay tell no one else." She said omg I thought to myself. "Are u a true alpha or other ? " I said "both." She said "how ? " I asked then I heard something running up really fast."not here run." She said we jumped up and ran.

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