you are safe for now

Start from the beginning

We entered the great hall we wait a few moments Harry named was called he walk up nervously I noticed a man with black hair black orb eyes staring at Harry as if he was a lion and Harry was his prey. Finally the hat shouted "Gryffindor!" It shout I cheered for Harry after Harry I spaced out until I heard my name I slowly walked up to sit on the stool and be sorted I look the man that stared at Harry was now doing the same to me "hmm strong mind not easily broken your not bad fighter hmmm your nearly fearless yes that I see you have good in you but you're heart clouded with darkness but your kind good girl well miss (l/n) your a little bit of everything but where to put you ........I know.....slytherin!" I shot Harry a scared look as I slowly walk to the slytherin table few people greeted me I sighed as watched Harry have so many people talking to him I gave a small smile at least he happy.

"Aww look (l/n) has crush on potter" draco teased
"Shut your filthy mouth" I said before shutting everyone out and entered my own mind every few moments I would look up and see the man staring at me I finally ask "who is that man?"
A DARK haired green eye boy say "professor snape the head of slytherin" "what he teach?" I asked same boy responded "potions but it the dark arts he fancies" I looked back the man "well not surprised he dress for the part" I said without thinking everyone around me laughed "I guess he does" the boy said snape shot a heart stopping glare I looked away and looked at the boy I been talking to "(y/n) (l/n)" I said he looks up "Eli Weston" he said I felt embarrassed to ask but "is it true all slytherin are bad?" He laughed "no" he snorted "what year are you?" He composed himself "seventh I'm also head boy so feel free to ask me anything"he said

I thought for a minute "what the meaning of life?" He paused "well you said anything....I was only joking" I said he nodded his head as his face turned red I ate a bit of food before Dumbledore instructed us to follow are head boy to are common room as we came across the stairs Eli warned us about how they like to move. We came up on are common room "they password is mighty serpents" he told us as we interned Eli yelled "girl sleeping chambers to the left boy on the right and boy don't try and sneak in the girls room that goes the same with the girls" with that he left I walked in to the girl chambers I chose the bed that was further away from the rest in the corner I placed my things by my bed I grabbed my (preferred Color) sleep shirt and my (preferred Color) pj bottoms I went to the girl bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my (h/L) (h/c) after that I went back unpacked my things and went to sleep.

Next day I awoke before the rest I got myself ready and left to the great hall for breakfast there was only a few people there I saw Harry and waved to him he waved back as I walked over "what class do you have first?" Harry ask I looked at paper that had my class written on "potions you?" "Same" he said taking bite of his eggs other people were entering so left to my table I had some toast and jam and banana before leaving to make my first class I was way early I took a seat in the front of the class and set my book out I grabbed my sketch pad and began drawing a snake before I hear some one walk in I turned to see a girl with brown hair brown eyes "oh I thought be the first one here" she said "sorry if I ruined that for you" I said she look like she was think of the right words to say "no it just I wasn't expecting another so eager to learn" I shrugged "do you mind if I sit next to you?" "I don't mind I'm (y/n) by the way" she sat next to me "Hermione it a pleasure to meet you aren't slytherin suppose to hate Gryffindor?" She ask "were not all jerk you know" I laughed she smiled and join in on my laughing Harry came running threw the doors and sat on the other side of me "hey guys" I waved at him Hermione and him began talk I went back to drawing before talking to Harry mentally "did you notice snape stares at us a lot?" Harry glanced at me "yeah but he stared at you more than me" I raised my eyebrow "how do you know?" I asked
"I watched him most of dinner he rarely took his eyes off of you" Harry glanced at my drawing "your really good at that" he said warmly "thanks" I replied now feeling good about my drawing student began to fill the room soon after snape swung the door "there will be no foolish wand waving in my class" he said but I drifted away in a painful memory "some feel the need not to pay attention" my eyes widen oh no "Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" I almost sighed of relief until I realized potter  came out of his mouth "

"I don't know sir" Harry responded trying to hide his embarrassment and looking at Hermione who had her hand raised.
"Pity clearly fame isn't everything" snape cold as ice tone said as share a look with draco
"It isn't Harry fault he don't know it are first day give him a break because it be a pity if you don't realize that by him not know your clearly terrible at your job" I snapped at him for once not regretting the words I spoke class laughed and some said uh oh snape glared at me as he walked over and leaned over me

"15 point from slytherin and detention for three days with me after dinner starting tonight for your information if you mix powder root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood you would get a sleeping draft so powerful it known as the draft of the living dead...." he stared at the class "why aren't you writing this down?" He asked everyone began writing I captured a sniff of his scent he smelled of different herbs it didn't smell bad actually smelled nice I shook my head blood hell am I saying. After class ended I stayed once everyone was gone I walked up to snape desk he didn't look at me he kept his nose in his book "what is it miss (l/n) I'm busy" he said
"Your nothing but a bully I hope you know that all he was doing was writing down your dumb speech" I said as I tossed the paper Harry left on his desk proving I was right and with that I left. after I finished with my classes I met Dumbledore in his office to talk.

As I walked in he smiled "ah dear (y/n) come in is everything alright?" He asked
"Why is professor snape so mean?" I asked
"He has his reason dear girl I'm glad you came I been meaning to ask you about your past" he said I stiffened up why does he want to know?

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