he squeezed her hand, and she went to go and sit down, finding a small table by the window. rain-washed streets and rushing cars accompanied the background, the reposed atmosphere. roma quickly tied her hair into a braid, placing it to the side, not caring what she looked like. that was a nice feeling.


baekhyun returned, seating himself opposite roma.

and, god. roma had never thought it was possible for somebody to look so gorgeous. mesmerising. and, he was hers.

a warm feeling erupted in her stomach.

his handsome features were accentuated by his sparkling smile and his brooding eyes, his lips turned up at the corners. his muscles were prominent against his soaked, see-through white shirt, stuck to his torso, long sleeves rolled up. blue veins ran along his hands and the inside of his palms. the dips of his cheek bones and jawline shone, gleaming in the light.

roma sucked in a deep breath.

cheeks blushed, as her eyes were drawn to the crook of his neck, glistening with moisture. his collar bones. everything about him; swept-back hair was pushed back further. his long fingers toyed with the top button of his shirt, revealing even more skin. he was a dream.

two cups of coffee were placed down in front of them; black and white. baekhyun extended his hand to her, and roma gladly accepted, curling her shaking fingers into his palm.

"do we have, like, a plan, or anything?" she asked casually, blowing ripples into her hot coffee.

baekhyun rolled his eyes jokingly, feigning annoyance as she tapped his arm slightly.

"you're always worrying, you know."

"just wondering," roma smiled.

"aren't you happy?"

she brushed her hair back from her face.

"of course i'm happy."

"trust me, then," baekhyun winked.

although roma did trust him, she noticed a slight uncertainty to baekhyun's words. he didn't know where or what their intentions were either. but for now, she thought she'd just enjoy the moment. what else was there to do?

"hey," baekhyun spoke up after a minute's pause, catching her attention.

his gaze narrowed in on her; analysing her.

"hmm?" she responded delicately.

"you look beautiful."

roma blushed. turned her face away to stare out of the window. baekhyun was smiling widely, she noticed from her peripheral vision, as he let out a light, teasing chuckle.

"stop," she mumbled, hiding from his playful expression. roma brought her hands up to hide her face from his stare.

baekhyun took hold of her arms, forcing them down again.

"you are," he repeated.

roma just laughed nervously, shaking her head, ignoring his compliment.

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