No Where To Be Found Chapter 7

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The girls cringed as the door opened. Slowly peeking into the bathroom that was only lit with a night light, they continued to walk further into the darkened space. Ana found the light switch and quickly flipped it on. The bathroom was just like Michael's bed, totally untouched. You can tell no one had been in there. The girls stood there dumbfounded, wondering where Michael would be. Many hours had passed since they left him at the barn. They looked at each other with a worrisome look.  What if the meat didn't satisfy him after all, and he went out and killed someone? They quickly decided to make their way back to the barn. As they entered the wide front doors of the barn, the first thing they noticed was that the cage was completely destroyed.
The girls didn't notice any pieces of clothing, so he must had put the clothes, even though they were torn, back on. Searching the whole barn, Michael was no where to be found. The only other person the girls knew that lived in town was Katie Mackey, the preachers daughter. They had met her months before, when they had visited Michael. She was Michael's best friend, so they decided to go talk to her.
As they arrived outside of Katie's house, they wondered to themselves if they should be there in the first place. Together they figured it was their only option, it was a very serious situation. Michael's well being was at stake. The girls were still reeling since they weren't given much of a chance to let the idea that Michael was a werewolf sink into their minds. The memory of seeing him wolfing out the way he did, made the girls nervous. Taking a deep breath, Ana knocked on the front door. Katie's dad, Kevin, answered after a few knocks. He seemed surprised when he saw the two girls standing at his door. Kevin asked the girls if they needed something, and with a quick response Teresa told him that they needed to talk to Katie.
Kevin informed the girls that Katie was not home, that she had left early that morning, but that he expected her to be home shortly. He invited the girls to have some dessert while they waited. Sally, Katie's Mom, had just finished baking a cake. Puzzled and not knowing what you do, they decided to wait. Katie was their only hope to find Michael. Time was running out.

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