There were none. Well, as long as Amy was safe, it didn't really matter. Which reminded me. "Speaking of Amy, Nichole's planning on coming over in a while, for her kitchen test run. I should get going."

For some reason, everyone in the room tensed, especially the Phoenix. I don't know why though; it was probably just my imagination. "Oh, is she?" said Phoenix.

I nodded and looked at Zac. "She said she might be a little late though. Do you know if that's because of transportation? Should I go pick her up?"

I knew I was excited for her to be coming over, and that I probably shouldn't show it, but I couldn't help it. It was finally time!

Zac looked like he found my question amusing, so did everyone else in the room. What was up with that? "I was planning on taking her over myself, but that would save me a trip. I'll ask her her opinion once the meeting's over and tell you then."

"By the way," cut in Phoenix. She was looking at her phone. "I just got a message from her saying that she'll be in the waiting room downstairs in five to ten minutes. So why not just wait and ask her yourself? She probably wanted to make life easier for Zac and came here herself."

Oh. Okay, then.

Wait, Nichole had Phoenix's number?!

Dang, that girl was full of surprises. But Phoenix was a part of Zac's group. And Nichole was Zac's squad's little sister. So I guess it makes sense.

"Well, then." said Dad, "dismissed."

"I have to go somewhere else," said Phoenix. "So I'll catch up with you guys later. Log out!" She left the door. I didn't blame her, she was the country's most favorite hacker. She was a busy person. Everyone else understood that too.

We all left the room as well. My parents stayed and continued work. Zac had some paperwork left so he went back to his station with Marilyn and Richard. He asked me to tell Nichole he said 'hi', almost as if he wouldn't see her. Which meant that he was saying Nichole wouldn't come over with him. Which meant he thought Nichole would be willing to let me drive her to my place. Which meant I would get to spend more time with her alone in-

I should probably stop thinking.

I reached the waiting area and around five minutes later, Nichole came in. She was surprised to see me. "Alex, what are you doing here?"

Nichole's pov

The moment I reached an empty hall way, I ran.

God, I can't believe Alex asked if he could drive me to his home. Well, whatever. It saved Zac a trip. I had to pretend I sent myself a message to cover it up. I lied, but I told the truth. It was like a paradox. I was actually planning on coming here to let Zac drop me, until I decided to have the meeting. I could've saved the meeting for later, but I knew it couldn't wait the moment I finished hacking that guy's phone last night. So I decided that I'd just give a small description of it in a short meeting.

I wore a different shirt on top of a mini skirt, just to make it look like I went home before coming here. I was glad my Phoenix office had a dressing room with extra clothes in cases like these. Once I was done, I went downstairs and out the gate. Then I went to the cafe using the outside door. That made it seem like I came from outside instead of actually being in the building the whole time.

I saw that Alex the idiot was already waiting for me. Though I knew he was gonna be there, I had to pretend that I didn't. Good thing I was good at acting. I went inside and put on a shocked face. "Alex, what are you doing here?" As if I didn't know.

He smiled, "My dad asked me to attend a meeting here. By the way, I can't believe you have Phoenix's contact number. You continue to surprise me."

"Yeah, well. That was given to me in case of emergency. I didn't want to interrupt the meeting. Unlike my brother and the rest of the squad, Phoenix always keeps her phone silent during meetings." It was true that I had that number; my Phoenix cell and normal cell are different. And it was also true that I kept my phones on silent during conferences.

"I see. Well, I wanted to ask you if I could take you home with me?"

"Why would you do that?" I feigned confusion.

"You know, to save time, I guess. I'm going home straight from here. Having your brother drop you off in a different car would just be useless."

I nodded as if I agreed with him. "Guess you're right. Sure, why not?"

He didn't say it, but his face showed me he just threw an imaginary victory fist into the air. Why, though, I didn't understand. "Okay, then. Let's go?"

I nodded and went with him. I wasn't surprised that he had a convertible but I didn't expect him to drive it to school. The car ride was mostly silent. On my part. He kept bringing up conversations, but I purposely ended them with one phrase answers. We reached his house and my eyes went wide, I'll admit. I knew his mansion would be grand, but this was too much. Looking at the exterior, my heart started pumping faster to get to know what the kitchen was like. I didn't really care about the rest of the house.

And it was AMAZING. I fell in love with the place.

"Can I really use anything in here?" I asked, trying to hold in my excitement.


I squealed. I didn't care anymore. Alex may not be so bad.

Amy came by a few times and I showed her a few tricks, keeping some secrets in the dark. She seemed pretty excited, and that made me feel happy.

Alex did not leave the kitchen even for a second. He asked a few questions now and then and I gave him full answers. I didn't care if he was a flirt, only inside the kitchen though. Amy and Alex gave my sandwiches a try and (as expected) they like it. I made some extra for myself and Zac too. Then Alex dropped me home.

"Hey," I asked him. "Ask Amy if there's anything else she wants to eat on her birthday. That place is too good to just leave after making a few sandwiches."

He chuckled. "Okay. I'll let you know."

I grinned wide. I was looking forward to Amy's birthday. Only because of the kitchen.

A week later...

"A grilled chicken, beef steak, bacon, mashed potatoes and some sandwiches, SERVED!"

Today was Amy's birthday, and today was the best day of my life. Rather than having one thing, Mrs. Carter told me I could make the entire menu. I almost died from happiness. Zac and I were also invited. We were all sitting at the huge dining table of the Carter household, with the room decorated with balloons, craft paper, you know, birthday decorations, etc.

It felt like it went by in a flash.

On our way out, I said, "Thank you so much for letting me do this, Mrs. Carter."

She smiled. "Your welcome, sweetie. In fact, you can use the kitchen any time you want."

"Really? Thank you!" there was no use being modest of shy with the parents of this family. I just accepted her offer and hugged her.

"Thank you as well, sir." I faced Mr. Carter.

He rolled his eyes. "Please, as if it was anything big. Also, for the last time, what have I asked you to call me?"

I grinned. "Thank you, Uncle Carter."

"Uncle?" said Alex.

"Their father was like a brother to me, which makes these two like my niece and nephew."


I thanked Amy then turned to face Alex. "Thank you so much. You helped me cross one thing out of my bucket list."

He shook his head. "It was nothing."

I grinned. "Well, then I'm off."

I left the building and joined Zac who was already in the car. We talked the whole way about how much fun it was. Then I just went to lie down on my bed. I was pretty tired.

And that was how today became the best day of my life in the past six years.

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