Kankuro x Reader ~ My Heart is Only Pulled by Your Strings.

Start from the beginning

"Oh," you smiled, "but I have nothing nice to wear."

"Don't you worry about that," Temari winked.

~ Le Time-skip brought to you by Kankuro's cute kitty ear mask~

You arrived at the party, pulling at you dress awkwardly. You didn't usually dress up. Generally it was either your mission gear or pyjamas,  you know, the usual.

However, Temari insisted. You agreed. And well here you were.

You followed Temari into Naruto's appartment.  You instantly locked eyes with Kankuro who stared, mouth open mid conversation with Kiba, who wolf whisted. (Lol see what I did there ;)

You lowered your gaze, Ino was standing behind you looking gorgeous as ever. 'He was looking at her, of course," you thought to yourself.

You sat with Temari in a large beanbag as she chatted with the others. You listened quietly and stared at the ground smiling.

~ Kankuro's POV ~

"Absolutely gorgeous," he breathed aloud as y/n entered the room.

She always was.

'There is just something about her. I can't get her out of my head. The way she smiles, her laugh, her kindness. She is perfect in every way,' he thought as he watched her make her way through the crowd.

She tripped and Temari caught her. Kankuro chuckled, "and you're clumsy... cute." He whispered.

'Why? Why can't I talk to her?' Kankuro thought, annoyed at himself. The thought of talking to y/n made him so nervous that he couldn't breathe. That was why he stayed away..

Kankuro looked back over at y/n and caught eyes with his sister, she smiled at him and mouthed, 'I have a plan.'

Kankuro tilted his head like the black kitty that he was and squinted at his sister.

Her grin widened. Kankuro sat nervously, he didn't like that mischievous look.

~ your POV ~

Naruto walked over towards you, "your turn!"

Temari instantly flung herself from her seat and snatched the kunai bag. "I GOT THIS," she basically screamed before turning to you and holding out the bag. You looked at her suspiciously and grabbed a piece of parchment. She grabbed it before you could see the name.

~ Temari's POV ~

I grinned wildly as I drove y/n into the cupboard and closed the door. Returning to the group I turned to Kankuro,  "it's you!" I exclaimed without even looking at the paper. I stuffed it back into the bag before anyone could argue and dragged the blushing Kankuro to the cupboard.

"No no no," he cried, blushing nearly as bright as his purple facepaint, "can't do this," he panicked.

"Yes, you can!" I replied shoving him into the cupboard and locking the door before he could reply.

It's not like he had a choice, anyway.

~ your POV ~

You leaned against the far wall, nervous about the look Temari had on her face moments before. 'What was she up to?' You wondered.

Suddenly the door opened and closed in a flash and the room was dark again before you could even make out the figure. You stood silently, waiting for them to speak first.

You heard him step closer and slowly his outline was revealed as he stepped in soft light streaming from a crack in the roof. His figure was illuminated.

Tall... dark... cat ears.

Wait, what?  Cat ears!?

Your breath caught as you recognised Kankuro in his black mask. 'Oh no oh no oh no,' you panicked.

"Y/n?" His voice questioned, breaking the silence. It warmed your heart and sent shivers over your body.

"Yes?" You whispered,  barely audible.

He closed the space between you, you felt his breath inches from your lips. But almost as quickly as it came Kankuro had backed away and your heart broke.

You stood in silence a moment when the door opened and  Temari popped her head inside. Her grin turned to a frown when she saw your sad face and Kankuro on the other side of the room.

~ Le Time-skip brought to you by Kankuro's panic ~

You didn't stay long, slipping away while nobody was looking. Well, almost no body.

You made your way throught the streets towards your home, tears streaming down your cheaks. You didn't know what you expected, but you had hoped...

Suddenly you felt a presence behind you, you turned to find Kankuro standing in the dim street light. You noticed his face paint was smeared a little, a tear fell from his cheak.  You tilted your head questioningly, it broke your heart to see him in pain.

"Y/n," he spoke softly and closed the distance between you both. He placed his hand on your cheak and wiped away your tears. You could hear his rugged breath, he was nervous. Kankuro tilted your chin up gently and kissed your lips sofly. You blushed fiercely, butterflies in your stomach. Was this really happening?

"I am sorry I didn't do this earlier," he whispered. "I was stupid," he continued not once breaking your gaze, "I have wanted to do this for so long."

His lips locked to yours again and he felt you smile beneath the soft kiss, he returned the smile and played with your hair.

"I don't know what it is... I am just  so nervous aro-" you cut him off with another sweet kiss, standing on your tippy toes and lacing your fingers between his own.

You knew just how he felt.

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