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Smiley_Riley: Team Captain America

Pancake207Hart: 'merica

Plays_With_Squirrels: You little ladies are both wrong, iron man is always the best choice

Smackle_Minkus: Witch one has the more muscles. That's the one I'm for

Take_Over_World: Iron man

Zay-the_Human_Cookie: Farkle only likes iron man because he's basically a robot

Take_Over_World: That is......... 100% correct

Zay-the_Human_Cookie: 'merica

Huckleberry007: I'm with Zay on this one

Matthews_History/101: You only like old captain because Maya likes him

Huckleberry007: That may or may not be true

Matthews_History/101: I've always liked super man

Fee_Hee_Neah: Yes, yes we get it your dad was super man. It's not your time any more mr. Matthews. So if your going to reference stuff. Make sure it's from this time. Also team Captain America.

Plays_With_Squirrels: I'm ganna have to agree with Feeny on the reference stuff. But FEENY you are WRONG about which super hero

Fee_Hee_Neah: No Mr. Matthews, I am right. I am always right.

Plays_With_Squirrels: Prove it

Fee_Hee_Neah: I created lucaya

Plays_With_Squirrels: Yeah ok

Matthews_History/101: That's pretty fair

Zay-the_Human_Cookie: Yeah good one Feeny.

Pancake207Hart: What's lucaya, never mind I got it

Smiley_Riley: Hey, I created that! Don't steel my work Feeny

Fee_Hee_Neah: No, you just stepped back, I'm the one who helped him make the decision of Maya

Smiley_Riley: It could've been me! Right Lucas?

Huckleberry007: Uuuuhhhhh......... Maybe"

Smiley_Riley: What?

Huckleberry007: Well.....It just...... You see........... I was going to choose.......... Maya.......... Because................. Well............ You don't need............. Someone to stop you from making bad decisions......... You are a strong young woman and...

Smiley_Riley: Just say you love Maya already.

Huckleberry007: I love you Maya Penolope Hart @Pancakes207Hart

Pancake207Hart: I love you to Lucas middle name Friar

Fee_Hee_Neah: Ok fine you win @Smiley_Riley

Zay-the_Human_Cookie: Does anyone else find it weird that they said I love you over the phone?

Take_Over_World: I thought I was the only one

Hunter-Shawn-Patrick: So what'd I miss?

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