Chapter Twenty One - The Family Picnic

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Having decided who'd be the best to smooth things over, Aaron came jogging towards me. Circling the large table packed with all sorts of foods, he gently massaged my shoulders. Rolling my eyes, I brushed Aaron's hands off my shoulders. "You really think a shoulder rub is going to make me forgive him, Aaron?" Folding my arms over my chest, I glared in Blake and Mark's direction— having been caught staring they fumbled to look around aimlessly.

Yanking me up, he led me towards a gigantic tree. Pushing me up against the thick trunk, he placed his palm on the large strips of bark above my head. "I could care less if you ever forgive him-" Taking my mouth in a slow, hard kiss, he sucked my lower lip into his mouth. "-but I'm willing to do anything to make you smile again." He added, bending his knees as he sank lower. The heat of his warm breath against my chest, as his hands moved to steady my hips, forced my eyes to snap open.

"Aaron-not here!" I blurted, clawing at his arm as his mouth carved lower I failed to stop his descent. Dropping to his haunches he adamantly pushed the hem of my dress up my thighs. Moaning when his teeth grazed my lingerie covered sex, I slid my fingers through his hair. "Anyone can see us..." I breathed, urging him closer despite my concern. Smiling against the inside of my thigh, he kissed me softly— fingering my panties, he nipped my slit over the material, driving me crazy with anticipation. "Aaron..." I moaned, shuddered as his fingers pushed my panties to the side. Kissing where I craved him most, he groaned out his appreciation, my mouth dried as his tongue ran over my hot button.

The distinct sound of several twigs snapping under the weight of footsteps forced Aaron to still his innocent torture, shooting off the ground he settled my dress expressing his displeasure at being interrupted with a string of curses. Keeping me shielded with his muscular frame, he looked over his shoulder for anybody walking towards us. Looking around him, I couldn't see anyone. Taking the moment of distraction to shove him back, I slipped away from the tree. "Oh god-fuck!" Jumping at the sound of a panicked voice, I shot a look across the parkland.

Wrapping an arm around my waist, Aaron pulled me into his side. As we rounded the large tree trunk we both came to a halt. Swatting at a large laptop bag, slung around his body, Jo cursed at the spiderweb he'd walked into. Cringing, he jumped away from the web as though it were laced with poison. Pushing the rim of his glasses up the bridge of his nose he grumbled a rant about nature and how disgusting it was out here. "Yeah, that guy really wants to be here." Aaron scoffed sarcastically.

Bursting into a fit of laughter, I staggered towards a startled ex-hacker and Quinn Industries very own IT extraordinaire. Frowning, he flushed several shades of pink before gripping the strap of his laptop bag more firmly. "About time Jo, please tell me you didn't bring the cod with you. There's nowhere to plug it anyway." I informed, hooking my arm around his, I led him towards the picnic table we'd claimed. Clenching his jaw, he pinched the bridge of nose— praying for patience I think.

"C.O.D is a game, not a fish or a console or anything else you think it is." Muttering a few choice words, he tried to yank his arm away from mine. Swallowing hard he glanced over his shoulder before trying with a new found enthusiasm. Looking behind us I narrowed my eyes at my brooding husband who was currently killing the poor guy with his deadly— I'll crush you with my bare hands— glare. Breaking free, he quickly readjusted the strap over his shoulder. Not sparing a second Aaron pulled me away from the terrified man he towered over. "M-Mr Quinn, I...Good morning-" Glancing at his wrist watch he returned his attention to his boss, "-afternoon." He corrected with a stammer to his voice.

Nodding in response, Aaron tightened his hold around me. Rolling my eyes, I gestured for Jo to follow us. Everyone began to gather around the picnic table— Roy and Dad having returned with the lemons and Blake, Mark and the twins beginning to grow hungry from all the playing. Mum and Marianne laughed about something— I'm sure cooking related. Jo moved to take a seat on one of the benches before stiffening and stepping back. "Sorry, sir." He quickly rushed out, noticing that Aaron wasn't yet seated.

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