"Oh. I thought you were serious for a second but hey it's totally believable some people Really do have cancer in their balls" I say and he laughs

"Yeah well good thing I don't. I have lung cancer like you but my doctor says I don't need a tank. I don't really want one anyway. Is it hard to carry around with" he ask me

"It rolls where ever I go which is easy but I wish I didn't when to use it but I have to keep it on all the time because my lungs suck at being lungs. Because of the cancer they can't really breathe on their own" I say

"So you sleep with it on" he ask

"Yes. I just said if I don't wear it I can't breathe" I say

"Must suck having sex with that thing being attached to you the whole time" he says and I laugh

"My boyfriend and I don't have sex" I say and that came out totally wrong.

"I mean anymore, we don't have sex anymore. We did but we haven't in awhile. Well not since I was diagnosed. Okay I'm going to stop talking  now because once again this is none of your business" I say and we laugh.

"So you have lung cancer and you breathe totally fine" I ask him

"Yeah. I have lung cancer. There's just cancer in my lungs. They haven't stopped working they just have cancer" he says

"Well I guess I got the bad kind of lung cancer because mine just stopped working completely" I say

"We'll get there. So what grade are you in" he ask

"12th. I'm missing a whole bunch of my senior year because of this cancer and it sucks" I say

"Same here" he says

A nurse comes over to me and sees that I'm done with my chemo for the day.

"Your free to go see you next time" she says letting me get up from my chair.

I walk over to Isaac and let my tank sit in front of me.

"Since your so fascinated by my tank. I thought I might show you it. Plus my boyfriend isn't here yet so I have some waiting to do" I say to him pulling up a chair next to his where he continues to get chemo done.

"So this is the tank" I say unzipping the bag that holds the tank to show him and all the pockets on the bags where I can hold fun things in.

( hahaha shai reference ^ )

"I don't know why I'm being so dumb and showing you my tank it's not like you never seen one before" I say and he laughs.

"I have seen one before but yours is beautiful just like you" he says

"You need to stop" I say and he smiles

"I'm can't. Your so much fun to look at" he says and I get up smiling

"Eh okay my rides here" I say looking at my phone and seeing that I just got a text from Tobias.

"I'll see you around. It was fun talking to you" I say

"Can we at least be friends" he says

"Sure" I say

"Here give me your arm" he says grabbing a pen from the side table next to him.

I give him my arm and he writes his number down.

"Call me or text me it doesn't matter. I'm here" he says and I nod smiling.

"Okay I should get going. Bye" I say then grab my tank and walk out of the chemo building.

Tobias is parked in front of the entrance ready to pick me up. I get in the car and greet him with a peck to the lips.

"How was chemo" he ask

"Good." I say

"What's that on your arm" he ask looking at the arm that Isaac wrote his number on.

"It's nothing. I met this guy named Isaac who was sitting next to me. We were talking throughout chemo and I guess we're friends now" I say

"Sure just friends" Tobias says

"Okay now what is your problem" I say

"Nothing my girlfriend is just off at her chemo treatments flirting with other guys" he says

"I'm not flirting with anyone. Am I not allowed to have guy friends. Okay I'm going to be honest he was flirting with me a little but I told him that I have a boyfriend but anyway we're just friends. That's it. I just met him and we talked for about fifteen minutes that's it" I say

"He was flirting with you" he says

"yeah but-..." I try to say but he interrupts me

"I don't think I want you being friends with a guy who flirts with you. Especially when it's at chemo and I can't always be there" he says

"Tobias I can handle myself. If a guy is flirting with me I know how to handle it. I just kindly tell them I have a boyfriend and I'm sorry but you can't tell me who I can and cannot be friends with" I say

"Well I'm your boyfriend I think you should respect my wishes and not hang out with guys who flirt with you" he says pulling up to my house

"And I'm your girlfriend you should respect my wishes" I say opening the door and putting my tank out.

I give Tobias a kiss on the cheek and get out of the car.

"Have a safe drive home. I'll see you tomorrow or something. I love you" I say

"Love you too" he says and drives away.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

It's like 3am and I'm tired. I stood up writing so I'll update later byeeee <4

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