--- Oh, your little brother? He is asleep in the main ship. He will be brought back to your uncle's ship before he even realizes he was taken out of it. --- Replied Borgh

--- Thanks, commander Borgh.

--- I am no commander. Just call me Borgh. I am at the top of the chain of command in the whole bounty hunter revolution, so whenever you need something, just tell me. --- Said Borgh with a smile in his face. He then looked to his ship and said --- Now, if you excuse me, I have a meeting to attend, and you --- Said as he pointed at Coth --- have a lot to explain to your nephew.

--- He is right, uncle Coth. I have no idea on what you have gotten me into, so you better start talking.

--- Yes. It's time for you to know, but first, let's get back and let you finish your breakfast.

Start was eating more eggs and bacon at the tiny table with his uncle seated on the other side.

--- Can you tell me now? --- Asked Start

--- I already told you, finish your breakfast. --- Replied Coth with a distant look.

--- Now you are just evading the inevitable! Come on! I am not a little kid! I took down a...

--- What you did cannot be compared to the dangers you will face if I let you join my rebellion.

--- If you knew that you didn't want me to join, then why did we train for almost an entire week?

--- I thought you were going to back off and decline, but I clearly underestimated your love for your family, your bravery, your skills, and your passion for the truth. --- Said Coth with a sad and distant look on his face. He looked at Start and continued --- If I tell you what is going on, you will be trusted upon a secret so important that they could kill you for saying it.

--- I don't care. I have gone far enough and my family won't rest safe until I become part of the rebellion and help you fight of Epsilon.

--- Ok then. I will tell you.

Coth stood up, picked up the plates, pressed a button that changed the dining table into a 3D projected table, and sat down again.

--- It all began a few years before the great interplanetary war between Epsilon and Earth. There was this very famous bounty hunter called Slan. --- And the table lit up with a picture of the bounty hunter --- He had completed the toughest hunting missions in the universe and had a lot of contacts and money. In one of his mission into Epsilon, he hacked into the president's computer to retrieve some archives for his customer, but in the process, he found something that he shouldn't have. He found the plans of an Imperial SpaceShip. --- Right as he said that, the picture of Slan changed to a sketch of a spaceship that Start recognized instantly.

--- The HellHound

--- Exactly. Along with those plans were some messages between the current president and the soon to be commander of the military, Qutur. Both of them were part of a corrupt organization that wanted to control the universe's economy and political system, drive it into anarchy, transform themselves into kings or gods, and become the most powerful men in history. Slan was a very nice person and had a family, so he cared about the future of his family's safety. He showed those plans to some of his close bounty hunting friends and started a small group of people which became something bigger: a revolution. Our enemies know us as "The Hunters", but the people that know our cause call us "Freedom Hunters". Us "Freedom Hunters" spread out through the galaxy, taking down all of the Epsilon military outposts we could, but some of us decided that it would be a good idea to have an outpost on Earth to protect it. That is how Earth became a threat to Epsilon and that is why they destroyed it. A lot of our friends died in the first battle and a lot more died in the second battle with the HellHound MK2. Now we are too weak to fight back, but we are slowly regrouping and we are going to attack full force against them. And after today, --- Said Coth looking at Start with a proud face --- we have a really strong and powerful addition to our team.

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