Chapter 7

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The next day, Start woke up to eggs and ham on the kitchen table, but both his brother and Coth were missing. He wondered where they were while he was eating and then, all of a sudden, his communicator, which he forgot to re-attach to his battle suit after the spying of the night before, lit up, but this time, it wasn't Coth's face that appeared on the tiny screen, but of a grown man with a noticeable white beard and scars on his face. Start had no clue who this man was, but in the instant he spoke, he recognized his voice clearly: he was the man that Coth was talking to the previous night called Borgh.

--- Hello, Start Gentho. I am commander Borgh, leader of Epsilon's military on sector C of the Milky Way. Your uncle's spaceship was in our territory to try and buy resources. We have got him and your brother, Miram Gentho. If you want to see him again, come out with your hands up. We have the spaceship surrounded.

Start knew that this was to test his loyalty to whatever his uncle's cause was, and since he promised to become a bounty hunter and had nothing else to lose, he started to act:

--- Ok, ok. Don't do anything to my family, please! I will go out.

--- Ok. You have 1 minute to get out.

Start quickly put on his battle suit, equipped the communicator with extra batteries, and grabbed his uncle's fighter mask, which covered his mouth, nose, and eyes. He looked out the window to see how many of the "Corrupted" he had to fight and saw that the desertic planet he was on had no space ship or soldiers on it. Start was unsure of what Borgh's plan was now. He expected some sort of small army waiting for him outside the ship, but it was only sand. Then the communicator vibrated again and Borgh's face popped up and shouted:

--- Your 1 minute is up Gentho! Come out with your hands up or we will destroy the ship and your family!

Start quickly stepped outside and still saw nothing. Right as he left the spaceship's back door, the ship went on lockdown, lifted off enough for start not to get back up, and all around him appeared more than 10 spaceships with Epsilon's flag and logo on them. The spaceship right in the front of opened up to show Borgh with a gun pointed at Coth's head.

--- Turn yourself in or suffer the consequences!

--- I ain't going anywhere, commander Borgh.

--- Then we will do it your way!

All of the spaceships opened revealing Epsilon soldiers in them, all of them equipped with an electric baton and some of them with heavy plasma rifles. The ones that had the baton proceeded to attack at Start as soon as the doors opened, while the ones with guns stood back and tried to shoot him down. Start set his communicator to the laser configuration and began firing away at the soldiers, which quickly had burns on their arms and legs. After taking down 3 of them, his laser stopped working and Borgh shouted:

--- You won't be able to use that anymore!

Start was worried now. His uncle didn't teach him how to have hand on hand combat, and at that moment, he was at a disadvantage since the soldiers had weapons. One of the soldiers approached him and lifted his arm to hit him in the face, but Start quickly lifted up his right arm and punched him in the elbow, making him drop the baton. Start grabbed the baton mid-air and hit the soldier in between his legs with it. He instantly fell and two more soldiers came in to try to take Start down and rescue his friend, but start threw the baton to one of them and made him trip over and touch his friend, taking both of them down. All that was left were the soldiers with rifles, which started firing right as their teammates were knocked out. Start couldn't get to the gunners without risking getting shot multiple times, so instead, he headed to a spaceship, hid behind it, and started hacking into his own communicator to free the laser app. A few seconds later he regained connection to the function and started firing at the gun men. The gunfight lasted no more than 2 minutes and by the end of it, all of the soldiers were on the ground, either wounded or knocked out. Borgh was astounded by Start's performance, but he didn't let that show and right as Start turned towards him he said:

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