Chapter 9

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Ok sharklovers so for the rest of the story I will be narrator it no more POV so here is Chapter 9 hope u enjoy

(2 Months Later)

Denise and Julia have been living in a apartment together every since they escape from that hell hole and they have jobs they work at a club called "The Fantasy" as bartenders and today was Saturday(Just pretend it's Saturday) so it was going to be packed and there was going to be a lot of celebrities which means a lot of bottle service plus a lot of money. So they would have to put there hard work into it

(At The Club)

"Denise Imma need 5 bottles of Grey Goose!" Julia yelled out to Denise in the back "Coming right up!" she yelled back Denise grabbed the bottles and handed to her and walked off to the VIP section "Here you go sir" she said as she put them in the ice bucket "Thank you...Julia" The man said she looked up and couldn't believe her eyes "J..J..Julian what are doing here?" she asked strutting in fright "Just came here to party ya know" he said biting his lip admiring her body "Oh good" she said agitated "Julia I need you in back!" Denise yelled lucky Julia "Ok" Julia yelled back "Well bye" she said and quickly moved back to the bar "What took you so long?" Denise asked "Nothing" Julia mumbled looking down Denise lifted her chin "Come on give it up" Denise said "Ok....IsawJulianoverthereattheVIPsection" she said all in one breath "What?" Denise asked in disbelief "Yes I saw him over there and it was very awkward and I started to get scared" Julia said shaking "It's ok Julia just as long as you keep your distance from him your fine" Denise said conferring her "Ok Imma go to the bathroom" Julia said "K" Denise said. Julia walked to the bathroom did her business as she was washing her hands the lights cut out "Dafuq" Julia said confuse to herself she started to search for the lights until some hands pulled her covering her mouth "You miss me baby" A voice say she can feel there hands touching all over my body squeezing her breast and kissing my neck "I see you got more sexier from last time...damn Julia why you had leave" The man said Julia was making who the person was and it was Julian she bit his hand and ran looking for the to search for the lights until she found them and turned them on and saw Julian giving her death glare "So you thought you was just goin bit my hand and get away with it" he said gritted his teeth Julia ran to the door but Julian grabbed her and slammed her into the way "Let me go!" she yelled he slapped her "Shut yo ass up!" he yelled he put his hand in her panties and started fingering her tears rolled down Julia eyes just when she thought the pain, torture, and rape was all over....but she was wrong. After he was done fingering her he put his finger in his mouth "Mmm damn baby you still taste good" he said licking his lips "Just please let me go" she cried "I love when you beg it's makes you more sexier" he said smirking he then pulled down his pants and shoved his dick inside of her  going extremely hard it felt like she could feel him in her gut. When he was down he started kissing her neck "See ya around ma" he said and smacked her ass and left out the bathroom.

He's baaaack!!!!!!

He's baaaack!!!!!!

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