Chapter 5

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(2 Months Later)

Julia POV's

Ever since Julian beat me that day I haven't been the same since..I've been locking myself in the closet with a pair of scissor cutting myself on my arms, legs, and thighs I've been thinking about committed suicide cuz I can't take this shit anymore imagine if you were kidnapped and get rape and beated like also every since day I mean yeah Layla and Denise get beated and raped too but not as much as I do. I use to have faith and believed that we were going to get out of here but now I don't "Julia" Julian's voice said knocking me out of my thoughts I didn't answer cuz I don't feel like being bother by him.

Julian POV's

I being calling Julia's name 6 times cuz I was wondering if she wanted to play dominos so I decided to go upstairs in my room when I got to my room I heard crying. I following where the crying was coming from and it was my closet dafuq I opened my closet it Julia she was sitting on the floor with scissors in her hand I ran to her "Julia what are you doing" I said shockingly "Get the fuck away!" she yelled "No why are you doing this to yourself?" I asked "Get away from me you monster!" she yelled I tried grabbing the scissors away from her but she started kicking me "Stop Julia" I said "If you don't get from me away now I will stab" she threatened "Can you tell me why are you doing this to yourself?" I asked "You have other chance to get away before I stab you" she threatened again "Just tell me wh..." she jumped on me and trying to push the scissors into my chest "Get off of me!" I yelled "Shut up you pussy!" she yelled "Somebody help me get off!" I yelled the scissors were getting close to me "Help!" I yelled then Langston and Day-Day busted in the door they pulled Julia off of me and helped me up Layla and Denise went downstairs with Julia "Yo what happen man?" Langston asked "So you know I was going to find Julia right so I went up to my room I was hearing crying then I founded out where the crying from it was coming from my closet opened it I seen Julia on the floor with scissors in her hand I run to her to try to save her she started yelling at me and threatened me then that's when she attacked me and started to try to stab me" I explained "Damn she crazy yo wait hand why she was on the floor with scissors in her hand" Day-Day said "I don't know she was probably cutting herself or trying to kill herself" I said "But why?" Langston asked "I don't know" I said.

Sorry it was kind of short hope u like😊✌

Just Another Ranger$ Kidnapping Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang