Chapter 7 RIP

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Wattpad is really playing with my emotions when was writing Chapter 7 I had wrote a whole long chapter then when I published it most of it wasn't there so now Imma have rewrite it but different so here is Chapter 7 RIP.

Denise POV's

I woke up with my vision with blurry and with a light hovering me when I got my vision together I realized that I was strapped down to a bed "What the fuck" I said to myself there was some many questions running through my mi....."Ring around the rosie pocketful of posies ashes, ashes Denise going to die" I heard a voice say "Who's there?" I asked and appeared Layla she was dressed as a doctor "Aww your awake" she said sarcastically "Layla what's going on?" I asked "Oh you don't remember wow I must have knocked the hell out of you with frying pan" she said what was she talking about then it hit me then I gasped in shock "I remember" I said

(Flashback From 2 Weeks Ago)

I was on the couch watching Ridiculousness I was laughing cuz this little girl was doing a stuff animal dog show and her closet door fall on her "Dee can you come in the kitchen for a sec" Layla called out from the kitchen I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen and (BAM) I got knock with something hard.

(End Of Flashback)

Then that's when I woke up here "Why are you doing this Layla?" I asked "Well ya now that thing that happen between Julia and Julian how she tried to kill Julian then people starting paying attention to her a lot I was thinking should got all that attention I mean look me I'm thick as hell" she explained "But why kill me?" I asked "Well you guys know me....I like to save the best for last so let's get down to business" she said with an evil smirk she pushed a cart full of weird tools near the bed she picked up a knife twirled it through her fingers "Ya know something Denise I always wanted to be a doctor ever since I was a little girl I wanted peform my first heart surgery.....I guess today is the day" she said she raised the knife up in the air "No!" I yelled "Aye Layla and Denise y'all down!?" A voice yelled coming down the steps it sounded "Help me Dashawn I'm over here!" I yelled.

Dashawn POV's

I ran over to the voice "Stop right there Dashawn" Layla demanded gripping the knife I started to noticed that she had Denise strapped down to a bed and she was dressed up as a doctor dafuq 😒 this bitch crazy "You don't have to do this just let Denise go" I pleaded "Yes I do Dashawn see whatchu guys don't know is all those bruises, cuts, and blood wasn't from was from me" she said "What are you talking about?" I asked "After that altercation between Julian and Julia I started thinking why is she getting all the attention I mean just because she cuts herself and tries to commit suicide DOESN'T MEAN SHIT and why....cuz it's all about attention Layla will get what she wants and always not matter whatchu say. Now today is going to fun isn't it cuz I'm not killing 1 person I'm killing 2" she explained and right then Layla charged at me with knife I quickly moved out the way as she ran into the wall she groaned in frustration "So you wanna play ruff ok let's play" she gritted through her teeth she ran charged to me again I moved out the way quickly but this time I tripped and fall Layla jumped on top of me I held the hand that had knife she was forcing her hand for the knife to into my chest all of sudden (POW) I saw a bullet through her head she fell off of me onto the ground I looked up and saw Denise with my gun her hand she helped me off the ground "Thanks but how did you get out of the....(GCO) "Well let's just say that Layla is not a very good at strapping people down oh here's your gun back (gives the gun back) it fall out your back pocket when Layla was charging at you" she explained "Thank you I really appreciate that" I said I saw the sorrow as she looked at Layla's dead body I walked towards her and held her hand "Hey I know you didn't want to do that had too" I said "Yeah I know " she said with her head I lifted up her chin "Hey look up keep that head up" I said the way I looked into her eyes I could feel her pain cuz I been through before and with that I kissed her the way our lips move it was with some much passion for some reason I felt like I loved her she pulled back "Ok that's enough let's just get the hell out of this basment" she said "Yeah" I agreed we went upstairs amd we saw everybody in the living room "Omg what happen down there where's Layla?" Julia asked worried Denise looked down in sorrow "Shecs gone" Denise said "What?" Julia asked in disbelief "She's gone....I killed her" Denise said.

RIP Layla let her soul Rest In Peace

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