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In the next few days things carried out like normal. Except for the fact that Jack couldn't stop admiring Toby. Thankfully neither of them brought up Jack's painful breakdown. Though it circled through their minds each time they saw each other, but it circled differently.
Toby saw it as a horrible moment for his friend. He remembered worrying about him so much. His heart wouldn't stop racing. He was truly worried about the demon filled boy. He didn't know what had happened until Jack's headache died down to a weak throb, which took almost three hours.Though Jack didn't give him the full story.
Jack could only remember being in Toby's arms. His body so close to the other's. He had only been that close to someone when he was attacking them. He yearned to be that close to Toby again. To have Toby pulling him close again. Just the thought of it made his heart thunder.
Jack starred across the training grounds from a tree he was in. Toby was shirtless, his toned and muscular body hacking away at a wooden target, covered with rope. Sweat dripped down his chest and face. His hair was soaked. Jack couldn't help but stare. Blush heated up his shoulders and neck as well as his cheeks and ears. He grinned sheepishly as he watched the boy.
"What're you doin?"
Jack jumped, quickly turning to face whoever had spoken. He was surprised to see Liu. He tended to stay out of trees because of his stitching. He had been running from Jeff on one occasion through the forest and torn open a few stitches.
"Er, nothing." Jack said as he hugged his knees.
Liu scoffed rolling his eyes. "Sure, and I'm the queen of England." This wasn't Liu, this was Sully, Liu's schizophrenic side. It was easy to tell cause he was rude and a bit of a snob. Not to mention he would tease you any chance he got.
"I'm not doing anything!" He growled, coming inches closer to Sully.
"I'm not scared of you Jack. Remember, I'm Sully. The reckless fool who tends to p*ss people off." Sully says in a mocking voice. It did occur to Jack that he had said something along those lines once.
Jack grumbled as he went back to watching Toby. Sully calculated where Jack was looking and his eyes widened. He quickly looked at Jack, and evil grin growing on his face.
"Are you checking out Ticc?!" He said pointing at Jack. "To think the almighty Eyeless Jack is gay! Ha! Who woulda thunk it huh? That you actual have colors under all that dark clothing!"
Jack felt his face heating up with anger. He took a few deep breaths before his blood lust could rise any further. "Yeah right!" He laughed. "Toby?! First off he's annoying as all h*ll and besides, how could he, let alone anyone, beat Clockwork? Not to mention, Toby isn't at all good looking. He doesn't have any brains and he practically acts like a woman. He breaks down all the time. I could never love him."
Sully looked away for a moment and started climbing down. "We'll see about that." He muttered under his breath.
Jack pierced his lips, not hearing what Sully said. He watched as the young boy strode across the training grounds towards Toby. Jack slowly climbed down. What is he doing, Jack asked himself. Sully tapped Toby's shoulder to get his attention. Toby turned around and looked at him.
"Hey pipsqueak, Sully smirked.
   "Hey stitches," Toby retorted with a grin.
   Sully kept that haughty attitude as he replied. "Good job, but you said that one last week."
   Toby muttered something and turned back to his target and started hacking at it again.
   Sully bit his lip, rubbing his chin before an idea hit him. "Hey Ticci, let's see your work on accuracy."
   As the word ticci left Sully's mouth Toby twitched. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his temper in check before smiling.
   "Sounds good, I'll just pretend it's your dumb *ss." He smirks.
   Sully only rolled his eyes, that smirk still on his face. Whatever you say, he thought to himself. He watched as Toby positioned himself, starring at the target across the training grounds. It was a good four yards away, twelve feet. Not too hard for someone who worked on it as often as Toby, Sully thought.
Toby pulled his arm back, closing one eye. It was a simple circle target. Four blue rings and one red dot in the middle. He slowly exhaled as he threw. It turned a few times in the air before there was a thud as it hit the target, a few inches from the middle. Toby cursed silently as he took his other hatchet off his belt. He had mindlessly put it there before throwing the other one. He now took it and readjusted his aim. He threw the hatchet with such grace it took Jack's breath away as he watched. The hatchet hit the target dead center.
Toby grinned triumphantly as he ran to get it. Before he had taken two steps he felt something kick him in his behind and send him flying four feet before crashing into the ground. He gripped at his chest as the breath was knocked out of him.

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