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I apologise for the bad spelling/grammar mistakes

Help soon arrived  just minutes after the call.

"KNOCK KNOCK" no answer. They decided to take the door down, paramedics police and firefighters all around the house. They barged in to see in front of them a man with a gun pointed straight in their direction, before any thoughts the police shot him in the leg making jungkooks father fall to the floor in pain.

They ran up the stairs in search for more people,there she was a beaten woman unconscious on the floor,paramedics  ran straight to help,they searched all the rooms finding blood in one. They was going to check the bathroom but the of course the door was locked. they got their gear and barged down the door. And there they saw a pale young boy lying so peaceful on the cold floor tiles unconscious with an empty pill bottle by his side.

Help got to the fragile boy and carried him on the stretcher straight to the ambulance. His mother and father already on the way to the hospital, jungkook still breathing but very very slow, they attached him to an drip and rushed straight to the hospital.

1 hour later

"Why hello Mrs your awake" the doctor said staring down and the broken woman. Her lips started to tremble "wh-where's my son" she stutterd with a clear tear rolling down her bruised cheek. The doctor gave her a worrying stare "well he should be fine" he said and rushed out the room. A sudden rush of panic ran through her body and tears just kept on falling making her fall into a deep sleep.

The police wrapped up his fathers leg and asked questions they realised that he had been drinking due to the clumsyness and the strong smell of vodka, he didn't answer he just sat there and stared. After a long 2hours the police decided to arrest him when the hospital told them that both people have been beaten.

While all this was going on jungkook was on a long way to recovery the doctors had saved him but it was a higher chance that it could change and there was not a sign of waking up any time soon until the drip had washed all the chemical of the drug out of his system, due to how many he took it was going to take a while.

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