Chapter Eight: Intrusion

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"Aw! Why do we have to pack this heavy stuff?" Ron whined, setting a crate of medical supplies and foodstuffs down on the floor of the Kepler near the ships exit ramp.

"Because, Ron." Kim said with a smile. "Joss is out doing recon up north, and Wade needs to finish putting Rufus's battle suit code back together. Just be glad Joss was happy to take a skyscooter instead of the Kepler, or we'd be hauling this stuff in saddlebags." Kim opened the door and the ramp lowered like a drawbridge before it extended to the dusty ground.

Six people waited at the bottom of the ramp, looking haggard and dressed in simple, torn clothing. "Thanks again, Captain. These medical supplies will come in handy this winter." said an older gentleman of a stocky stature.

Kim dismissed it with a smile, handing a crate to an older native man dressed in a simple red robe. "It's no big, Professor Icari. I just wish it could be more." The crates were spread out until everyone had one, and Kim climbed down the ramp to follow the professor. "Come on, Ron. Let's give them a hand."

Ron set the last crate down on the ground with a grunt, closing the Kepler's ramp behind him and listening for the locking mechanism to click into place. He lifted the crate again and followed Kim, letting out a frightful whine with each step as he passed an old, burned down log sign that announced the area as Kamp Kwitch-something.

Grimm Probable laid next to his best friend, Rhonda Fatigable, and watched through a set of binoculars as the blond man in a black uniform closed the door to the heavily armored shuttle that he and Captain Possible had flown here in. "Is that food they're bringing out?" Rhonda asked, hopeful.

"Looks like medicines, mostly." Grimm replied. He handed the binoculars to Rhonda and shook his head. His auburn hair had been trimmed down to stubble, and he scratched the day old beard that adorned his face in thought. "These people aren't even contributing to the war. I don't know why Possible bothers."

"Can we get this over with?" Rhonda asked, shivering. "This place gives me the creeps."

Grimm pulled out the communicator from his pocket and smiled. "Let's just hope that this little program that Jade cooked up does the trick." he said, climbing to a crouched position. The camouflaged long jacket he wore over his black military fatigues dragged in the dust as he prepared to move towards the Kepler. "If you see them coming, give me a shout."

Rhonda smiled up at him. "Got your back, GP." She watched as Grimm set his jaw and crept quietly from their hiding place toward the Kepler, placing his back against the hull. He attached a set of electrodes to the control mechanism of the ship's door, and then linked the cables to his communicator.

"Show time, Jade." Grimm whispered as a seventeen year old Japanese woman with faded green striped dread locks appeared on the screen. Without a word, her fingers flew over the multitude of keyboards before her.

Rhonda continued to watch the makeshift shelter that Kim had delivered the crates to and yawned in boredom until the red haired Captain emerged with the blond man in tow. The group of refugees followed the black uniformed pair out. While Rhonda couldn't hear what they were saying, she provided herself with a guess.

"Thank you, Kim Possible. You're so awesome!" Rhonda whispered to herself in an old man voice as the professor spoke to Kim.

"I know, Professor." Rhonda said, mimicking the female Captain's voice. "I'm a lame-o hero. Would you like all of our weaponry as well? We won't be using it."

"Really? Why don't you give it to Team Probable instead?" Rhonda asked, watching the dark skinned woman with the sleeveless shirt gesture, as though asking Kim a question.

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