Chapter Seven: Sanctuary

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The peak of an ancient Egyptian pyramid that had stood for millennia suddenly exploded into a shower of rock and sand in the blazing hot desert sun. Shego waved away the dust and deflected bits of rock with an arm. She coughed out of reflex as the sand settled around her and she grinned at the majority of what was left of the age old structure. Touching her fingertips together, a ball of energy formed from the arcing wisps of green fire and she released it like a baseball toward the pyramid, causing another massive explosion that vaporized a corner, collapsing the pyramid in on itself.

"Shego?" Drakken's voice resonated in Shego's mind and she narrowed her eyes at her target, firing a constant volley of green energy at the remaining rubble as it fell. "Shego!"

Shego sighed in irritation as the dust cleared, revealing the pyramid to be nothing more than a crater full of rubble. "Are you going to keep talking in my head like this, Dr. D?" she asked, inspecting her robotic claws.

"Yes, Shego." Drakken replied with impatience. "Why have you stopped?"

Shego suddenly paused. "Are you tracking me?!"

Lord Drakken sat in his control room, overseeing multiple projects at once on his view screen and he buried his face in his gloved hand for a moment, suddenly wondering why he had decided to try out his new toy instead of sending his ever loyal warlord, Erik. "Yes, Shego. I keep much better track of my assets now than I used to."

"Your assets?!" Shego protested in rising anger.

To her surprise, Drakken was unfazed. "Yes. You are an asset in my quest for world domination!" he shouted, slamming his mechanical fist on the arm of his chair. "Now what stopped you?"

Shego clenched her hands into fists. "Something got in my way, alright?"

"Threat level?" Drakken asked, swiveling in his chair to review his latest project that focused on the Styx phase. With project Charon only a marginal success, it was becoming time to up the stakes.

"High enough..." Shego grumbled, glaring at the rubble before her.

Drakken leaned forward in his chair, taking a closer look at several minor uprisings in Australia. "Fine. Continue to your target, then." he ordered, sitting back in his chair and mentally commanding Erik to quench the rebellion Down Under.

The Kepler flew silently over the Egyptian desert with not even the sand stirring at its passing. The crew sat in their respective positions quietly. The last spur of the moment mission had been a success, and despite losing the synthodrone data banks and nearly losing Dr. Possible's holographic representation and the GJ base itself, Kim and her friends were feeling a subdued elation. Even Ron wore a smile again after his rematch with Erik. It had been relatively quiet lately, though Kim knew that retaliation would be coming soon.

"Got a lock on that power source, Wade?" Kim asked, breaking the silence in the ship. It had been only a few hours since he had intercepted communication chatter of Drakken's forces. They had apparently come across a strange power source in the middle of the Black Desert in Western Egypt, and Kim was determined to get there first.

"It's down deep, Kim." Wade replied. "Should be right below us." he nodded.

"Okay, Joss; take us down easy. We'll suit up before heading out, just in case Drakken's troops made it here before we did." Kim said as Joss nodded and set the Kepler down on a rocky outcropping that was layered with black volcanic ash.

Ron squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his hands over his ears as the rest of the crew stood, touching the small silver GJ button on their collars. Even through his eyelids, the flashes of light were nearly blinding and the final orchestra of thunder of the four battle suits activating blared in the enclosed space of the Kepler's cockpit. "Y'know, you could actually let me get out before you do that." Ron said. His complaints went relatively ignored however, as the crew filed out of the ship and into the silty black sand.

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