You stood there but couldn't take your eyes off of them even if the sight sickened you. You literally just finished talking about how nice Mr. J was, to your friends, proving them wrong.

But now, they were right.

You exhaled, trying to hold in a sob, but the Joker heard you, and turned around.
His eyes widened as saw you. He was caught and he didn't like it. He was shirtless, in the middle of taking his pants off.

"What is it, Puddin'?" Harley asked quietly. He whispered something in her ear, but she frowned. "What is she doing here?" She hissed. She glared at you, but you just looked at the Joker, your face full of sadness and disappointment.

lHumph!" She huffed and grabbed her spiked purse, opening the bedroom window. "You still love me, Puddin'!" She whined.
"Get out." He growled.
She climbed out of the window, surely down some fire escape stairs, and a moment later, you heard a car screeching away.

The Joker stood up from his position on the bed, opening his arms in attempt to bring you back.

"Baby Doll-"
"Don't call me that!" You whispered harshly. Oh, you knew he surely called Harley that name too. You weren't the only one. No, you weren't special to
him. Was he just using you? While you were falling for him?

"Don't do this-" He raised his eyebrows at you, taking another step forward.
"No, no..." You said to yourself, backing away, shaking your head in your hands.
You opened the door and fled down the stairs, getting away from his cheating hands.
You ran towards the front door, but one of his henchmen stood in front of it, blocking your way.

"Let me through!" You yelled.
"J doesn't want you leaving." He said expressionless.
"Well, I want to want to leave!"
"Not my problem." He stared back at you. 

Suddenly, you felt big, familiar hands grab you by your waist. "Let go of me, you cheating bas-"
But he cut you off, smashing his warm lips aggressively against yours. But you didn't give in yet, pushing off of him.

"How many girls have you kissed with those lips, J? Huh?" You yelled standing your ground and glaring at him. God, just the thought of him touching Harley made you sick. It was like wanting to get away from a disease.

"None of your concern." He growled, quickly grabbing your hand and pressed your body against his. He wanted you but he clearly wanted Harley as well. Was she just a one night stand?

"Stop it!" You cried, trying to squirm out of his strong arms, but he held you tighter, not budging.
"You know, the one time that you let me out of this fucking house, you fuck Harley. Was she good, J? Was she a better fuck than me?" You sneered in his face, leaving your hands at your sides as he squeezed you even tighter. Your eyes were full of rage.

"You're not gonna leave me." He said this as if it were a fact. Did he really think you were gonna crawl back to him?

"I can make my own decisions." You growled, pushing off of him with all your strength. He glared at you, but he was shocked. He thought you were the 'give in' type. The type who would come crawling back to him. Even after such a horrible thing he had done. But he liked it. He liked your attitude. It fueled him even more. You backed away and ran to the front door, the henchman still blocking your way.

"You better move or you'll regret it, Mister." You sneered, holding a gun behind your back.
"Ha! Yeah, ri-"
You shot him right in between the eyes and he fell over with a 'thud', blood pooling at the side of his head.

You turned to face the Joker to see his reaction but he only smiled at you, deviously. Oh, this was entertaining.

"I just made a fool out of myself, to my friends, for saying that you loved me, that you were good to me." You whispered, tears welling in your eyes. You loved him. You love him.

"You're a two timing freak."

God, this hurt. But he just smiled at you, a pure smirk on his face. He had no sympathy.

You slammed the door behind you and stepped outside in the cold air, to your dark blue sedan. You sat in the drivers seat, just looking outside of the window momentarily. Everything, all the nice things he would say to you, circled in your head like flashbacks. A tear ran down your cheek as you revved the engine.

Don't look back. Don't look back.
You thought. But something was holding you back. You looked out the car window and saw him glaring at you, smiling through his window.

He already knew you would eventually come back to his cheating arms.

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