14. History Repeats Itself (The Party 2.0)

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Chapter 14

Detective James drove detective Ethan to the train station to catch the next train to Veronaville while Maria and David started working on the invitations, it was a simple and direct "Come for a friendly gathering concerning Sierra and Lily's deaths, we have new info." and the address on the back. They wanted it to be something serious so the guests would show up, but also not too intimidating for them. Then they went to all the suspects' houses and put the invitations in front of their doors, rang the bell and left.

The Last house to go to was the Buckleys', Maria and David got out of the cab and walked to the house "I don't like that place, it gives me the creeps." Maria said

"Well, it's the last house, we'll just drop the invitation and leave," David replied.

They walked to the front door and tried to make no noise because the lights were on and they heard the sound of an argument inside, but Maria couldn't help herself from looking through the open curtains. Eve was standing inside shouting at Dr. Wesely while Keira, Maria assumed as she never saw her before, sat quietly, but suddenly turned to Maria, her eyes widened and she nodded no. Maria was terrified and jumped backwards.

"Eve is coming to the front door," Maria whispered as she pulled David away

They hid behind the trees as the door opened and Eve came out looking around to see if someone is out there, she was wearing sunglasses and a hat as if hiding from the paparazzi and the fans.

"I told you I hate this place," Maria whispered

"Shhh!" David tried to make her shut up as Eve was still standing still looking at their way, but eventually, she left and they were able to leave too.


The next morning, Lucy woke up at 6 am, went for her usual early run before everyone woke up, the sky was still pale blue and the morning breeze was just refreshing, running through the empty streets connecting with nature, feeling the moist morning air on her skin and listening to the small sounds nature produces, the leaves, the trees, and the tiny animals and birds was her way of escaping her life and the only time she felt free. Also running made her forget all about her worries, and she'd been overstressing ever since she saw that invitation yesterday night and what worried her further was Ben's reaction "What's the big deal? It's our chance to go hide that necklace in Maria's stuff and frame her" He said carelessly.

"I really have a bad feeling about this!" she thought "I'm sure the police have something or why would they invite us? Is everyone else invited? Sia was right to wanna quit this, I would like to leave to, but it's not possible cause I made that stupid decision of joining when I had no other option" She kept running till she realized people were beginning to wake up as she saw lights starting to come from behind the curtains, so she ran home, showered and went to the kitchen, but realized it was out of coffee, so she got dressed and went to the nearest cafe to get something to drink.

Lucy sat on the small coffee table reading the newspapers until her order was ready when someone approached her all sweaty and nervous "We need to talk" Ben said

"Ben, are you okay? take a seat"

He sat on the chair opposing her "I've been searching for you for a while, I didn't expect you being here."

"The kitchen was out of caffeine. Tell me what's going on, I'm worried."

"HE sent me something,here," he said as he handed her a piece of paper

"The HE?! Oh my God, did he ever contact you before."

"Never! I went to my car to go to work a while ago when I found this on the passenger's seat"

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