Chapter 6-Forgotten Friends

Start from the beginning

I shut the door to our bedroom. Crookshanks was silent the whole way. I sit on my bed and I feel his breathing grow short. "Oh my poor kitty."

He licks my hand and I bury my face in his fur. "Meow."

Then he's gone. I lift my head up and my kitty is gone. He died in my arms. I don't know what do with myself. He always kept me calm and happy and feeling loved. His fur was soft and his breathes were warm. His tongue was velvety and now I'll never feel that gentle lick again.

There's a knocking at my door. "Come in."

My voice cracks. Draco opens the door and walks in. "Are you okay?"

"He died in my arms. What am I going to do Draco?"

"I don't have the answer Hermione."

"I loved how soft he was."

Draco sits down next to me and put his arm around me. "I did too. Granger, hand him to me."

I reluctantly hand him Crookshank. He whispers something and puts him on the bed. He whispers something again and Crookshank disappears.

"What'd you do?"

"I sent him to McGonagall. She said to when he passed and she would take care of him."

"Draco I'm gonna miss him so much."

"I know. I was getting used to him here too. He was an amazing cat."

"He really was."

"Well I need to go to bed Hermione. I'm sorry for your loss."

He goes to leave. "Wait!"

He turns around. "Stay with me please. Sleep here tonight."

"Of course. Put pajamas on and I'll go get mine on."

He leaves and I go grab my silky red pajamas. I throw them on after taking my robe off.

"Are you decent?"

I go and lay down. "Yea."

He comes in and lays next to me. I move over for him, to make him comfortable.

"This is very uncomfortable Granger."

"I'm sorry."

"Can I make it comfortable?"

"Yes Draco."

He suddenly wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. His head is in my hair. "Much better Hermione. I love having giant teddy bears to cuddle with."

He nestles his head more in my hair. I feel much more comfortable too, hate to admit it. I shut my eyes and try to sleep.
Next Morning

I woke up and tried to stretch. "OW!"

I ended up smacking Malfoy in the nose. "I'm sorry Draco."

"Remind me next time that you stretch in the morning."


I turn to see a black cat staring at us. "Professor!"

I jumped up. The cat turned into McGonagall. "What's wrong Hermione? Come back to bed."

"Draco! Professor-"

"I came to check in with you Miss Granger but if you and Malfoy are busy..."

"No Professor just cuddling and I needed someone last night and I just woke up."

"Well hurry. Ten minutes til breakfast...then there is class."

I get up and find my tshirt and robes. "Draco turn around and close your eyes please."

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