--- Surprise test! I love to do this!

--- What now?

--- You see the cardboard cut-outs of the soldiers? You have to use the laser from your communicator to burn them, but watch out! If you burn a civilian, then the exercise will be reset. You can start whenever you want since it is not timed, but it is focused solely on the amount of tries it takes you to complete it.

Start went to the laser application, lined up his hand, and pressed the button to fire. A small, red laser shot out of the front of the communicator and hit a cardboard cut-out, but it hit a civilian instead of the soldiers. A loud sound that corresponded to doing something wrong resonated within the small hallway and more cardboard cut-outs came out of the wall and floor. This time, Start knew where the laser was coming from and aligned himself perfectly to hit the soldiers. By the end of the exercise, he had only resetted one more time.

--- Impressive! --- Said Coth

--- Please tell me there are no more surprise tests... --- Said an exhausted Start

--- I promise. Follow me through the door behind me and we will get onto our last test.

Start crossed the door and felt in an entirely new place. The room he just entered was full of people walking around that looked real if it weren't for the projectors that made the people in 3D, a merchant post every few meters, and he was now in a sunny and hot desert. The door behind him closed and transformed into the same town-like background that the entire room had, making it impossible for him to find the door again. Coth grabbed Start by the arm and took him to a merchant post.

--- This is actually your last test of the day. After this we will go back to my ship and you will be able to read that handy guide I gave you, eat something, and go to sleep. --- Said Coth while he was dragging Start to the nearest post --- But this last test could be the most complicated one of all of the ones I have made you do today. You will have to bargain a price 25% lower than the actual price of any product this merchant offers you, and once you are done with that, you will have to sell the same thing for 25% more of the original price to the guy in front. You can start at any time, but this will be timed and so that you know, normally, bounty hunters shouldn't take more than a minute to change the price to something of their liking.

Start began with the test as soon as possible since he was hungry and wanted to finish the day. He started to have a conversation to the robotic trader.

--- Hello, I would like one of those turbo engine parts for a friend.

--- Ok. That would be 100 galactic coins please.

--- 100 galactic coins!? That is a really big price for such small technology... --- Said Start, exaggerating as much as he could to trick the robotic AI --- Thank you, but I would prefer to walk around and see better prices.

--- No, wait. I will sell it at 85 galactic coins. --- Said the worried robot.

--- No, thank you. I saw some guy a few posts back that was selling it at 80 galactic coins.

--- I will sell it for 80 galactic coins.

--- No, thank you, but how can I trust you with the quality of the product if you constantly change prices like this.

--- I will sell it for 75 galactic coins.

--- Bought. --- Said Start with a smile on his face.

After he received the turbo engine part, he headed to the guy on the other side to sell the turbo engine part for 125 galactic coins.

--- Hello. I was wondering if you were interested in buying this new turbo engine part.

--- Oh, yeah. I need one of those for my car. For how much are you selling it, kind young man?

--- Since it is fresh out of the production line, it is normally 150 galactic coins, but since it is one of the second generation, I will sell it to you for 125 galactic coins.

--- Ummm... Sure. Seems like a nice and reasonable price.

Start obtained the money and walked back to Coth, who was astonished about Start's performance.

--- That was impressive! Not bad for a noobie! Now we can walk back to the ship so you can eat something, spend some time with your brother, and read that guide I gave you, but don't get too hopeful. Tomorrow we are doing the same exact thing so that you can fully master the techniques I have taught you today.

For many days, Start and Coth kept on improving Start's abilities as a bounty hunter until he had mastered all of his abilities and learned all of the knowledge needed from the book. By the last day, he landed on the mattresses on his feet, walked the 5 kilometers without complaining, hacked into the extreme security password in under one minute, completed the shooting course within 10 seconds, and bargained with his own uncle to prove that he was ready to go on the dangerous mission that was saving his mother. After finishing all of the tests at extreme difficulty, they went back to the ship and celebrated Miram's 6th birthday.

--- I am a big boy now! --- Said Miram with a proud look on his face while eating the huge chocolate cake Coth bought the day before. He then looked towards Coth and Start to see their reaction to his statement, but his eyes filled up with tears.

--- Wow, what's up big boy? Why are you crying? --- Said Start, hugging his little brother.

--- The thing is... It's the first birthday I haven't seen or played with mom or dad. --- Responded Miram trying to keep himself from breaking down and start to cry.

--- Don't worry bud. We will get mom back and we will live happy and safe.

--- But we can't get dad back --- Said Miram before starting to cry.

Start then looked at Coth, not knowing what to do, but he saw that Coth also was in a very depressed state. Start hugged Miram stronger and longer than ever before.

It was in the middle of the night when Start rose from his sleep by a voice speaking. After a few seconds of confusion, he realized that the voice wasn't Coth's or Miram's. Quietly, Start stood up from the bed, detached and took his communicator from the battle suit, and headed towards the cockpit, which was where the voices came from. He was preparing the laser mode to at least do some damage to the stranger in case he got attacked, but then he heard his uncle speak to the strange voice. Start sticked his head against the cockpit's door to listen carefully at what they were saying.

--- I already told you, the boy is a great addition to our cause. He is a natural, just like his father.  --- Said Coth with a tone of confidence.

--- You can't just assume he is great until you put him into a battleground against some of the Corrupted. --- Replied the mysterious voice.

--- With the Corrupted? Wouldn't it be better if I took him to...

--- No. --- Interrupted rudely the stranger. --- We can't allow him to know about our cause until he proves that he has the dedication and strength to fight in the front lines.

--- What do you mean? The kid is only 17 years old and he finished all of the tests in extreme difficulty and jumped fearlessly off the ship on the first day.

--- Even if he is as talent and courageful as you claim him to be, he still hasn't proved it to me. Take him to a battleground and make him fight a couple of the Corrupted. He doesn't need to kill them or anything, he just has to knock them out and last with them for 2 minutes.

--- As you say, Borgh.

And then, both Coth and Borgh said in unison:

--- The revolution shall thrive! Honor above all! May the dream of freedom stay forever alive! And may the Corrupted fall!

And then there was silence.  

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