How Are We Not Dead Yet?

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-Marlo Garcia-

How do I sum up my day? Not sure. I'll make a list.

•my star was restolen
•my friends, girlfriend, and I are in horrible physical pain
•I feel like a loser
•I'm fighting my girlfriend's mom
•and two castor teachers saved us from becoming Assassins A La Flame

The lady with purple hair was smiling wildly. She looked at Bitch (I mean Blaze) and stretched. "Hello, Blaze. Still looking for trouble?"

"You two brats!" She growled.

"Nice, she remembers us." The lady said proudly.

Blaze growled, "even after so many years you two are a pain in my side."

"Hear that? We can inflict pain without having to move!" She boasted.

"You two imbeciles are extremely obnoxious!" Blaze hissed at them.

"Awesome. Shall we fight now?" The lady asked.

The guy nodded. "Good idea."

Blaze was radiating lots of fire. It was a terrifying thing to see. The two castor teachers nodded and ran. The man turned into smoke while the lady chanted something. Blaze shot fire at the smoke but it only went through. The smoke pinned her to the wall, keeping her trapped. The lady put her fist over another fist. As she separated her top hand from the bottom, a blue sword emerged. It was beautifully encrusted and carved lovely from ice. She continued to chant and swung her sword in a circle. Snowflakes slowly emerged. Soon, ice and hail was spewing from the sword onto Blaze. The smoke vanished in time, allowing Blaze to be completely engulfed in ice.

For a small moment, I was about to break out into my Marlo-Happy dance. But the ice melted into water, then to steam. She was wet and steaming with rage. "That's not enough, Ruby's  failed pupils."

"We know." The guy said. She threw fire at him but he turned into smoke before she could hit him.

The lady charged at Blaze with her sword but Blaze shot magma and melted it. She stopped and chanted a new spell. A bronze sword appeared. Blaze stared at it. "You do realize I can melt it with ease? I don't even need fire to destroy it."

"Give it your best shot!" She grinned.

She decided to go with fire to make her life easy and launched it at the sword, knowing the castor lady wasn't fireproof. The copper sword started to turn green, but quickly returned to its natural color.

"What's going on?" Blaze asked.

"A lot of oxygen turns copper green, but once it's gone from the air, it's back to normal. At least with magic. And less oxygen isn't good for fire. It needs oxygen to thrive like we do. Your fire will die out soon enough." She explained.

"You bitch!" Blaze hissed.


She threw lava at them. The guy pulled her out of the way in time. She fell to the ground.

"Owie! Nice shot though. Must admire a powerful opponent no matter how despicable they are. You go girl." The lady said.

Jackie face palmed. "Please don't let them be our only chance at survival."

"Jackie, afraid to break it to you, partly because you may hurt my face, but I think they are." I said with a hesitant smile.

She gave me the evilest look in the world.

I hid behind Ember like a ferret.

The old force field broke when Blaze shot a lot of lava all over the place in the middle of a tantrum and I could see it shatter to the ground. That made me uneasy but I don't know if it was the lack of oxygen that made me feel worse. I could tell they weren't kidding about the oxygen thing. It was difficult to breathe, but we were soon able to breathe better, except me. I hadn't exactly told anybody I have asthma, and haven't had an attack since Marie died.

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