Morning of Slytherin

Start from the beginning

I wave at him and the whole Slytherin table glares at me. "Hermione we are over here."

Ron and Harry call me over. I go and sit next to them. Ron kisses my cheek. I don't feel anything though except that Draco is ignoring me. "Why were you yelling to Draco?"

"No reason."

I overhear Draco's voice, "Then she kissed me. I was kissed by a filthy Mudblood. I practically had to throw her across the room to set her off me. She was so awful smelling. Must not know how to bathe."

I see Triena attached to his arm. "Draco I'll give her the what for."

"So will I."

I can hear agreement until I can feel the entire Slytherin table gaze on me.

"That won't do anything guys."

Ron coughs, "You kissed Draco?"

"Ron I was tipsy please forgive me."

"No. Hermione I feel like we both aren't into our relationship. Known that for quite the while, haven't we."

I bite my lip and nod. Harry and Ginny our watching us closely. "Mione I think we should just be friends."

"I know. I agree."

Then I feel something warm and gooey hit my shoulder. I turn and watch as the whole Slytherin table aims and hits me with food. McGonagall walks in, "50 points deducted Slytherin! Hermione you may miss your first class to tidy up dear."

I get up and feel tears drip down my face. Snape looks at me, "What happened?"

"Draco Malfoy happened. I trust him and he stabbed me in the back. Polyjuice."

Snape swings open after giving me a look of pity. I step inside and collapse on the couch. I can feel tears rushing to my eyes. I let it all out in sobs and rush into my room. I slam the door and Crookshank sits in front of it.

I bawl and just cry until I feel my eyes drooping. And sleep feels welcoming.
Draco's POV

As soon as Hermione hears I instantly regret. But I wasn't to sorry so I kept going. Then I heard Ron break up with her and then she got caked in food.

I follow her up the stairs, telling my friends that I'm going to tease her more. Snape greets me with an angry glare. "You foolish idiot. That is not the way to get a girl."

"I'm not trying to."

"Draco I've seen that look inside a man's eyes. You love Hermione and you just broke her heart. Started to trust you even if you have the Mark."


"Not until you explain yourself to me. You love a girl yet you stab her in the back and spread lies."

"I need to keep up my reputation."

"You stupid boy. Hermione is much more important than your reputation and your causing her stress and trouble."

Snape opens anyways and Crookshank is sitting in front of Hermione's bedroom door. He hisses at me.

"Look I'm sorry Crookshank."


"It's not my fault."


"Okay it is but I need to see Hermione!"


He moves and I open the door. Hermione is collapsed across her bed with a wet tearful face. She's sleeping yet still crying.

I feel tears come to my eyes to see her like this. I also see her entire back full of eggs bacon and syrup. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom.

I first grab take off her robe and at least she's wearing a tank top with shorts underneath. Her robe isn't the only thing that has cake though. Her shorts were missed but some syrup soaked through her tank top. I slip off her tank top and put it on the floor.

Her bare back has syrup caked in the back. I take a washcloth and turn on some warm water in the sink. I wash off all the syrup on her back. Then I dry her back.

Her hair has many different things stuffed in it. I take her hair and move the chair she's in so she's tipped back into the sink. I first water down her hair then I shampoo it. I run my hands through her sleek watery bubbly hair and sigh to myself. Then I wash it out. Then I put a little conditioner in her hair. I wash that out and wrap her hair up in a towel.

She stirs a little bit and I wash off her face. Her eyes are red and puffy. I take out my wand and utter a spell. The redness fades and the puffiness too.

I pick her up and bring her out onto the couch. I then go grab her robe and shirt. I smile and dress her back up and her eyes start to open. I quickly leave the room.

Snape smiles at me, "What did you do?"

"Sh I have to get to class."

I race down the hallway. Hermione has potions next too so I'm happy.

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