Boys POV on Theran

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Me and they boys were sitting around just texting that girl, Theran, all night she is really nice and I can tell that Luke has a crush on her. He was blushing the whole time we were all texting!


This girl we were just talking to made me feel really happy because I never knew that we could actually make someone not get depressed. I think that she deserves a better life. About all the s-ty stuff that's happened to her. And how her bully is someone from her family.


She was amazing! She was funny, sassy and was being herself! I like that in girls. She could be weird and not embarrassed by it! I felt so bad because her life is so horrible! I wish I could be there to help but I'm gonna do everything I can to help her through the screen! I think I may have a crush on her!


She seemed cool and I'm glad she told us that we helped her. It helps us actually feel like we aren't just some stupid teenagers with a camera and a YouTube channel, doing stupid stuff. What we do actually helped someone! It's kinda weird.


Wow I was not prepared for that. All we do is stupid stuff. How did we save someone from depression? I can understand how O2L and Magcon helped but I don't understand how we helped but I'm glad we did!

Nash & Cam

We were in our apartment with all our boxes packed. We're moving in to a house with all of Magcon. That girl was really sweet and caring! She said we helped her with depression and anxiety! It made us really happy to hear that we helped.

Matt & Carter

We already moved in to the new Magcon house and it was 1 house away from the o2l house and that chick we talked to was telling us about her horrible childhood! Some of us can understand how she feels but non of it was as bad as hers.

Shawn & Taylor

"Yes Shawn?"
"I wanna help that girl as much as possible!"
"Well how are you gonna do that?"
"I have no idea but all we can do for now is give her encouraging word and help her through the phone!"
"Ok babe we can talk to the boys and maybe we can send her something?"
"That would be great! I love you!"
"I love you too!"
We kissed and cuddled thinking about what we could do to help Theran. We know what your thinking "what SHAYLOR IS REAL?" And ya it is we've been dating for about 2 months now.

Jack and Jack

"Dude that poor girl!"
"Ik j I hope everything is ok for her! We should text her everyday!"
"Ya we should that's a great idea G!"
"See this is why we're best friends!"
We laughed and finished packing for the new house. I hope the boys agree with the idea to text her and help her as much as possible!

Hayes & Aaron

We are just chilling and talking about the chick we just met. She seemed cool and chill. We hope everything's gonna be ok and we wish her good luck.


Her name sounds so familiar, but it's like I haven't heard it since I was five. It's bothering me because it's like on the right in front of me but I can't remember! UGH! She is very nice and chill! I hope we can become great friends with her and help her! I'm still shocked that we helped her with her problems and made her feel better.


Jc kept saying he know that name form somewhere but can't remember. When she said she had anxiety I felt like I finally had someone that knows what I'm going trough and that she feels alone and ever once and a while she feels depressed. It's exactly like me!


She reminds me of my girl friend rosa! Rosa can have anxiety but she gets through it just like Theran! They now it's hard but they get through it no matter what!


She is a strong girl! Girls are stronger then they look so you don't wanna go around and screw with their heads because they can screw with you just as bad! She has so much confidence she just need so see it! The way she was with us was like she didn't care what anyone else though because she was being herself and she could be weird!


I think both me and Trev just found or new best friend! She is so sweet but can stick up for herself! She has anxiety but she has confidence, she just needs to find it and use it! I can tell Trev was like in love with her but in a friend way! But he started freaking out when he checked out her account and saw all the sass quotes and Connor like how she was very Tumblr! Jc felt like he knew her but can't remember from where! She was just so original!


As soon as I went on her account I got this feeling in my belly that she was going to be MY BEST FRIEND! And my gut told me it was going to be me her and Ricky forever. I got all excited and all the boys looked at me like I was insane! I told her that were best friends now and she was really happy about that! She was just amazing and sassy! She said she could sing and I wanna hear her sing so bad now!


At first I was like what the hell, why is this chick saying that all the stupid s-t I do helps her with depression and anxiety! But I relized that maybe it makes her laugh and makes her cheer up! I'm just happy that I can stop thinking that my videos are stupid and no one wants to watch them! So thank you THERAN for telling me that I was actually wrong for once.... Ok maybe more then once but still I admit she was right and I was stupid!

Jack baran

I felt so honoured that she looked up to me and that all she had to do is search my name watch a video and is happy again! It just makes me happy to know that I helped someone through veery difficult stuff in her life! I wanna get to know her more!

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