I somehow felt tired still and fell back to sleep, waking up a hour later with Riley still not around.

I checked my phone to see if she'd texted me which she did.

'Sorry Maya, I ran into someone I wanted to catch up with. I'll be over with your drink at about 9. Ps I'm staying over tonight - Riles'

It was only 5pm so I had no idea what to do with my life until then.

I left my room for the first time today and headed to the kitchen, realising I was hungry. I searched through my cupboards and noticed I had some cookie mixture. So I made some toast for the time being and then began to bake some chocolate chip cookies.

Music was on in the background and I was dancing around in Lucas' top. 'Let's talk about sex' came on the radio and I couldn't help but sing along whilst putting the cookies in the oven.

'Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things and the bad thin-'

I shut up when I heard a thump come from upstairs, I turned down my music to listen more clearly. However there wasn't any more noise.

I decided to go check out what had happened, I already believed my house was haunted so it was probably Mildrid the ghost moving things around, but just incase it wasn't I grabbed the rolling pin that I used to flatten what I'd just be baking.

"Mildrid, is that you?" I whispered as I crept up the stairs. "I don't mind if your redecorating, but you could of told me"

I walked in my bedroom, I'd closed my curtains earlier so it was pure darkness.  I made my way over to my bedside table and turned on my lamp as the main lightbulb had blown last night.

I looked around, the window was wide open yet no one was in my room. Had Riley came home early? Or did we forget to shut it earlier today?

I was creeped out...

Beep Beep. I jumped, the oven alarm was going off downstairs - meaning the cookies were done.

I quickly run down, not looking behind me incase I was being followed.

I walked over to the oven and pulled out the cookies, not thinking about a oven mitt as I was to scared. That was a stupid thing to do as I burnt my hand pulling it out. I quickly placed it I the counter and ran over to the sink, running the cold water over my hand.

"That's gonna blister..." I heard someone whisper into my ear, as there body touched the back of mine.

The persons arms rapped around me and I looked down at them, causing me to instantly know who it was.

"Lucas" I sighed as I held onto his hand, it hurt so I instantly pulled it away - he was right, it had blistered.

"Hey Maya" he said, resting his head on my shoulder.

"W-what are you doing in New York?" I asked shocked as I faced the wall.

He held onto my hips and turned me around to face him, locking our eyes.
"I didn't get to say goodbye properly."

"Oh. It's fine, Iv totally forgot about it" I lied and looked away from him, I hadn't and it was part of the reason Iv been wanting to stay home.

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