Chapter 39-Guess what

Start from the beginning

        “Why dont you go home, trayvon and them will be back later on today right?”He didn't face me, just looked in the opposite direction.

        “Sorry to inform you but if you wouldnt of left early last night, I made my decision to move back in. So im going back to sleep.”I pushed past him and went to lay on the couch, until he left however I was sitting up. I didn't exactly tell everyone yet, I was just stalling,Actually I never made a real decision in the first place. Kyles tone this morning was however pissing me off, and those pretty purple marks that he had no intentions of hiding where all over his neck, two small ones on the right and a larger one on the left.

        “You got to be kidding me.”A scuff came about,He sounded mad that I was staying.


        “Yes. Do you really think you want to do that?”Stepping closer.

        “Why shouldn't I?”

        “Well lets see, you won't have my brothers to manipulate anymore, cause I had a sit down with all of them.”He was damn near in my face now “Second you won't have me to play around with anymore, which is actually a bonus for me. My girlfriend wouldn't really like that anyway, third arent you still on medications, I don't think having a emotionless zombie in the house is good for anyone especially for tommy.”

        Those words couldn't of hit me harder than...I dont even have a metaphor for that but it hurt.A emotionless zombie was a bit childish but none the less hurt.I could only stare at him, and i'm pretty sure at the middle of that little briefing my jaw somewhere dropped a bit.What was I gonna say to that...the only thing I could do right now.

        “Too bad, I am.” I got up and walked out that room.If I tried to argue i wouldn't win,If I tried to win I would lose.

        I ran into the nearest room I could, which happens to be Javaughn, who was putting on socks.He looked at me, his expression looked weird.

        “Ciara, thought you still be sleep.” He continued putting on his socks.

        “No,I was awakened by jackass himself.”

        “Oh,So you know about the talk he gave us.”

        “Yeah,feel like giving me details.”

        He sighed “Basically not to let you manipulate the twins, and to stay away from you,which of course we all ignored seeing he was probably acting this was cause his feelings got hurt.We knew you’s be unstable once you got here.It hasnt been long since the party, time heals all wounds but yours are still in the make a scab phase.”

        “You swear you got me figured out.”

        “Trust me I do, I watch and observe more than you know.”


        “So are you gonna move back in?”

        “As far as he knows yes I am.”

        “Well I hope you can handle it.”

        He got up to go to his dresser, “Ciara, he’s hurt, when a monroe boy feeling is hurt he gets even.So if you're gonna stay here again be prepared for war, cause I got the feeling you will be seeing more of that girl than you think you will.”

        “Thanks for the heads up, but I know what I got to do.”

        “Which is...”



        “I'm tired of fighting Javaughn, if thats what he wants let him be great. I just know now what I got to do,what's best for me and my condition at the moment.”

        I got up and left,I wasnt gonna let this hurt me. If all they wanted was me back in the house than so be it. Thats all I’ll do move back in, and focus on getting my mind back in order. Kyle can do what he wants.

All I hope...

Is that..

He’s happy


Im Backk!!! Did you miss me? All my heavy load isnt all gone but has been some what lifted if that made sense, SPeaking of sense sorry if the chapter may havent its been a while next cahpter will be better lol. 


Im Back, refreshed and ready to write. My other stories however I dont have the motivation for and have been pushed aside for now. However theres a idea Ive been playing with and have just been throwing words to a page.... Would you all want to check it out?

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