Chapter 1

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Alicia - Age 16

Hizaki - Age 16


Alicia's POV - England...

"What!? We're moving!?" I yell at my mother and her 'lover'.

"I know this is sudden, but it would be a lovely change for us. There is not much left for us here, so I think it would be good for us." My mother tells me, trying to calm me down. Fuck this shit! Why must I move!? I'm perfectly happy where I am.

Everything was fine until my mother found a new boyfriend. A boyfriend who was from Japan. Since he arrived I feel like I've been pushed further and further away.

And not only that, he fucking proposed to her! And now they want to get married in the next 6 months and shit. To be honest, even though I despise the man, I won't let them stop getting married. I don't want to hurt mum. It's been hard for her in the past 6 years since dad died. I don't want her to suffer anymore like she did 6 years ago.

"But why the hell are we moving to Japan?"...

An hour must of past and I finally gave up on the argument. They won. It's official me, my mum will be moving in Japan and stay with her 'lover' Lee Matsumoto. My mum has been trying to get me start calling Lee 'dad'. But I haven't exactly what you call, have warmed up to him. I only call him Lee, that's it.

Maybe. Maybe one day. I might just call him dad, but I doubt that would be anytime soon. But I guess I shouldn't look at everything negatively. Japan could be a nice change I guess.

I just hope I will fit in quickly...

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