Alfheim Online

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Yuri's pov

I went into a alley as I saw a Chan's car shop there. I went inside as Chan was probably working.
"Hey Chan! You here??" I asked as a person slid away from under the car as it was Chan.
"Yo Yul." Chan said as he stood up and wiped his hands on a dirty rag.
"Business is slow, nowadays huh?" I asked as he shrugged
"Shut up and listen.." He said as I nod
"Here. This is a MMORPG game called Alfheim Online. It's like SAO, but with fairies and magic." He said passing a game to me as I picked it up and looked at it
"Alhiem online?? What kinda game is it??" I asked
"It's pronounce Alfhiem Online and it's a hardcore skill game, focusing on only the player's skills." He said
"Player's skills??"
"No levels to be clear like SAO, not that I heard of. Mostly quest to do. Each class skills only improve on combat which relies on players combat."
"That is hardcore." I said
"It's kinda like SAO, but magic with no swords skills. I hear it's a popular game because you can fly in it."
"Fly??" Yuri asked
"Yea.. You are a fairy in the game so you have wings. There's something called "take flight". Once you get used to the flying, you can fly as much as you want."
"Do you have to control your wings when you fly??" Yuri asked
"I don't know.. I only know a bit of information about it. Never played it yet." He said
"It's probably hard to fly.. Maybe use your arm to fly??" I asked as I was into the game now until Chan cleared his throat.
"Ah...... So why does this have to do Jessica??" I asked as he showed the pictures of her to me
"What do you think??" He asked
"It does look like her."
"That's what I thought you might say." He said
"Tell me where I can find her." I asked
"She's inside of the game, Alfheim online. In the top of the world tall castle. I heard that if you try to get to the top, you have to race to the top with other people. But I heard there's a time limit on your wings so you can't fly forever. Another research I heard that 6 people got on each other's shoulders and flew to the top like a rocket." He said
"I see."
"One by one, they push each other to make it to the top but only one could reach to the top and take some pictures of the top which revealed a room with a girl in it."
"A room??"
"They zoomed in the bar window which reveal Jessica in it." He said pointing at the picture
"But why would Jessica be in there?? There must be a reason why she's in there." I said as I thought of Tyler ran through my mind
"I know that she meant something to you, but a poor girl like you have no good to have her because she is a rich girl who is marrying a rich guy like me. Even though, she always dislike me, but in my eye, I will love her." He said touching her hair as I grab his wrist and said sternly
"She'll never love you the way you loves her."
He got out of my grip and said
"Then I'll force her to."
"Hello?? Yul?" Chan said as it broke my thought
"Is it ok if I borrow that game??" I asked as he look at me funny
"Did something happen or did something hit your head when you came here??" Chan asked
"Can I??" I asked as he slowly nodded
"Yea.. Go ahead. Are you planning to go out there alone??" He said
"I need to find out if your information is right." I said putting the game in my backpack
"But this time, this game won't let you die too easy, but I have to buy a hardware." I added
"Nerve gear still works on it, but have more better security than what happened to SAO." Chan said
"Thanks for the catch." I said
"Hurry and go save Jessica or else we can't battle til the end."
"Yea. Let's all meet up there someday." I said as he nod
"Oh wait." Chan said as I was almost about to go as he went inside the garage and took out the cover to revealed a motorcycle under it
"A Yamaha motorcycle??" I said as he nodded
"Yea.. I made it myself.. It's in good use. It's black and white, just the colors that you like. It's a gift for you." he said as I was shocked
"Chan... you don't have to."
"It's fine.. It's thanks to you that we made it out there alive." He said as I remember winning in SAO.
I smirked and softly chuckled.
"Thanks." I said as he tossed me the keys.
"Do you know how to ride it??" He asked as I start it up..
"Somewhat." I said
"Well, good luck.. Don't crash." He said as I start to back up
"I won't." I said as I put on the helmet
"Again.. Good luck on saving Jessica." He said
"Thanks.. See you there." I said as he nodded
As we smiled at each other, we fist pumped each other and said our farewells again and then I drove off to my house.
I was in room sitting on chair looking my nervegear helmet as I finally got my courage and plugged everything in, put the game in and put on the nervegear. I lied on my bed and looked at the ceiling, just like I did on the first time on SAO
Im sitting down on my seat and was watching the BIG news about the new game that came out. Sword Art Online. I got this game from my Appa since he said he would buy me one in just a snap. I already know how the game looks like with a help of my best friend, Kim Taeyeon. I then put on my nervegear and lied down on my bed and then said

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