1 - Introduction

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"Why are you crying?"

The voice, relatively high-pitched and feminine, put a temporary end to Macbeth's snifflings. The little boy slowly raised his head, and came face to face with another slave of the Tower, a little girl with short white hair and thin, brown eyes. The little girl was kneeling in front of him, but instead of the usual look of pity or annoyance people would give him, her gaze was filled with concern. This warmed the boy's heart.

"I-I can't sleep. I need to sleep. B-but there's so much noi-"

A loud agonizing shriek was heard, and Macbeth immediately hid his head into his palms, a sob escaping his lips.

Sudenly, he felt arms wrapping around his body, arms that he could tell, even without a look, belonged to the young girl. She hugged him as he cried many tears, talking to him, in a soft, soothing voice, words of confort. And for the first time in a long, long while, when he finally closed his eyes...

He was at peace.

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