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So I just I walked into school with all my stuff when I was nearly knocked over by my two best friends, Alyssa and Blair. "OMG Y/N DID YOU HEAR!!!" Blair screamed at me. "No I couldn't really hear anything after you just screamed at me" "But anyway there is this new kid what's his name..... Jack he is like really nerdy" said Alyssa "Oh there he is!" They both said in unison.
He looked me in the eyes and as soon as he realized I was looking at him he looked back down. I didn't get a good look at him but damn, he's tall.

*first period*

So I walked down and took my seat in the front of the room and my teacher Ms. Miles walked in and said that we have a new student. All of the girls in the back of the room got really excited and as soon as they saw that it was Jack? Yeah Jack, they went back to there normal state, I though to myself 'rude'. So next thing I know he is sitting right next to me looking down at his science book. "Hey" I said. "Uh h-hi" he said never making eye contact "I'm Y/N " "Oh um I'm uh.... Jack" "Nice to meet you" and he just smiled and nodded. "So today class you will be needing to be paired up, I have the list right here and yes Jack you are included. So, Brad you are with Megan, Jessica you are with Kaylem, Lauren you are with Holten, Tanner you are with Mark, and finally Y/N you are with Jack. You will need to do something about a planet of your choice" she spoke aloud 'cool so I guess we're partners' I thought to myself. "So Jack do you want to get the project done at my place or...." "I-It doesn't really m-matter as long as we get it done r-right?" "That is true"

*skip to after school*

I am meeting Jack outside and he is very quite but I hope we can actually get to make eye contact. "Hey Jack" "O-oh hey. Kinda scared m-me" "Oh I'm sorry" "I-it's fine" "Jack I'm sorry we have to walk my car is getting fixed" he nods yes.

*five minutes into the walk*

"So where did you move from?" I say just audible enough "Oh I moved from Omaha, Nebraska" no stuttering, we are making progress. "Oh cool. I have some family there." "Nice!" "But it gets really cold there, I feel like the iceberg in the titanic" "Your telling me"

*skip another 5 minutes*

"Oh this is my house right here" *walks in* "Oh wow this is bigger than it looks." "I know even tho I have 6 people  living here" "Wow. Very small then." "You can say that again". So we walk in and sit on the couch and crack open our text book and then my little sister Maya walks in "Mommy! Mommy! Y/N's home!" "Sorry for her screeching she is only 3" "I will be dis many soon *holds up the number 4*. "I know Maya we have the same birthday!" "Oh sorry about her Y/N she was.... Who is this?" "Oh mom, this is Jack he is in my science class. We are working on a project." "Oh nice. Well Jack you can stay for dinner if you like" "Ummm yeah I would love to thank you" "Mommy can I stay with Y/N?" "Ask your sister" "Can I pwease sit wif you guys?" "Jack is that okay?" "Yeah that's fine" "Yay!!" Maya shrieks in excitement once more.

A couple hours passed by and Maya is asleep on Jacks lap "Do you want me to go lay her down?" I asked Jack "No it's kinda cute actually, she kinda looks like you!" "Huh we get that a lot" "DINNER!!!" So as all of my family piled into the dining room I decided that I would introduce Jack. "So everyone this is Jack. Jack this is my mom you already met her, this is my dad, this is Maya you let her sleep on you *laughs* and these are the twins Braydon and Blake." "Hi everyone says Jack"

*few weeks later*

Jack and I walk into science class oh and did I mention he's my boyfriend. How you may ask well I was sitting at my favorite lake and Jack drove there to sit and think as did I so we talked and really opened up to each other. Nothing special but I love him. So we walked in and Ms. Miles says Jack and Y/N got the highest grade

*after class*

"Y/N I really love you and I know that I want to be with you forever" "I want to be with you to" "I love you Y/N *gets down on one knee* will you marry me?" "YES OF COURSE!!!"

We are getting married in 3 months

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