Chapter 3

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As usual, Dr. Juan gave me two antibiotics and I have to drink it three times a day after eating but surprisingly, he gave me another pills and it's kind of strange because he never give me another antibiotics whenever I came here, usually I'll have two antibiotics. When I asked him what kind of medicine is that but his reply is not giving me a real answer that I want. He told me I can drink it whenever I had a bad day. When he said the word, I gave him a look of question, telling him what he meant but he didn't notice me at all or is he just trying to ignore it?

Anyway, in the end I never emptied all of those pills. It just makes me look like an addict and the worst is I can get addicted to it. I texted mom that I've finished my therapy session. When I saw her in her working suit, she comes to me walking with a smile on her face, eventhough I know that she's forcing it. I know that she'll be worried about what will Dr. Juan says about my condition. She's easy to read anyway.

" How's the talk?" She asked while both of us walk back to the parking lot. Today she said that she has a quick work and I know that she did it for me. I know that this day she's very busy, I heard her talking with her fellow workers on the phone last night and I know that she hasn't sleep last night. I wanted to approach her and told her that I'm fine and let her do her responsibilities but I don't. I can't lie with my feelings either that I'm so lonely but now looking at her tired face plus anxiousness make me feel very guilty.

When she talked to me this morning in the car that she took a week off from work for three days and said that it'll be fine and fun to off for a moment, so we can have lot of times together. Eventhough I'm happy but I shouldn't be this selfish. I also feel so bad with her patients what if something bad happen?

" It's quite intimidating as always." I replied and she chuckled after hear my words. " Is he annoy you again?" Again she asked me. " Yeah sometime, with his torturing humorless joke." I replied. And also those pills.

" Well, can't say disagree with that." She said, chuckling in agreement.

When we finally reach our car, we meet our previous neighbour, Mrs. Lawson. She's actually a nice woman only just she's a little bit fussy. Sometime she annoyed me so much wherever I met her outside. She always talks about things that I don't even care to hear, she keeps talking about herself anyway and she keeps repeating it until my ears were tired of her chants.

" Oh my.. Valerie, how long it've been?" Mrs. Lawson greeted us when she noticed that it's us who just passing by. She hugs my mom and mom gives me a look of help but I can't help but laugh silently at her reaction when meet her.

" Oh.. look who's here, lovely Ariadne. How's your day, darling? you never changed at all, still adorable." She said with grabbing both of my shoulders and I only give her a smile. More like a forced smile.

" Well, Janet, how are you?" My mom said kindly. Even though she acted like that but I know that she just wants that this would be over quick but I'm agree with her anyway.

" It's spec-ta-cu-lar. Never been so happy that living in New York would be this amazing. Oh! And you know what I met, Johnny Depp, Mila Kunis, Jeremy Scott and I forgot his name hut I ever saw him in tv. Here, I can show yo-"

" Umm.. No,no. It's okay, you don't have to bother to show me.." My mom said, cut her words before she continued her pointless rants.

" Oh.. sorry for my sudden excitement, dear." She replied, with a laugh. Both me and my mom only gives her awkward smile.

" Oh, yes! I'm actually, willing to inform you. Oh my god, how could I forgot about my first purpose came back here. Pardon, my short memory, I know that I should have to go to the doctor but I'm always busy, busy, busy. I'm actually worried that it'll make me forget so many things if I don't do a medical check up and it's acc-"

" Umm.. Janet, I think you have something to say with me..." My mom cut again.

" Oh yes yes.." She stopped and her face tells that she remember things. I mentally thank my mom to cut her.

" Okay, no further talk again. Actually, I'm back here to tell you that I just got call from my agent that my house is already bought by someone. And, folishly, I forgot to give the key to my agent. So, Valerie, I hope you can give the new owner the keys."

" I can't give the key properly because I have flight today and I should have to go back to New York for my son graduation." She continued.

Wait what? She flight back from New York to Boston just to give a key?

" Oh well, it's cool. You can hand it to me by the way." My mom suddenly give a quick reply and I guess I know why she finally said that.

" Oh thank you so much! I know that you're so handy." Mrs, Lawson said in excitement and give mom a hug. And again, I can't help but laughing. My mom surprised face is so fascinating!

" J-Janet. You're suffocating me." My mom said trying to get off from Mrs. Lawson's hug.

" Sorry.." Mrs. Lawson replied again with her funny laughing. " So, I think, I'll give you this key and yes, I'll think I'll be off now because I have to do my medical check up now." She continued and gives my mom her house keys.

" Okay... I hope you'll get better, Janet.." My mom said as she takes the keys. I silently laugh again at her reply and seriously, my mom is a soft sarcastic person that I ever know.

" Thank you darling. You're so kind.." Mrs. Lawson replied, touched by her words.

" So see you and I hope we still contacting each other even we're thousand mikes away." She said.

" Absolutely." Was my mom reply.

" Oh great! Ok, see you both of you.." Mrs. Lawson said and gives us a kiss on both of our cheeks then continue to walk to the hospital entrace.

" Hmm.. So?" I asked my mom who's still standing beside me with a relief face.

" Okay, we can have fun now." She breathed out and also walking around to another door.

" I think, Mrs. Lawson and you are a cute bestfriend together mom." I said openning the door and my mom suddenly shudder in cringe.

" Hmm... I wonder." She said between her gritted teeth and I laughed with her answer.


* Sneak* *Sneak* *Sneak* *Sneak*

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