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Guys listen!

I think you got the wrong idea.


I've received comments about this seeming to have happened, and I'm overjoyed to see all the positive feedback, but I don't think this book is quite finished yet.

I wasn't really planning on stopping it there.... there are a few things I still wish to resolve in the story, thus in direct proportion to writing more chapters.

And let's face it,
I really really really don't want to let go of this story. :)

However, it is completely your choice as to whether or not you stick around. I'll always appreciate your company. I hope this is not goodbye quite yet.

If you are, thank you for sticking by me this long. It's incredible to me to see how this book has grown, because when I started it I felt like it'd never really get there. You know? So thank you. I wish you the best of luck in your reading and possibly writing as one can wish.

Now, back to my ideas...
In addition to me chapters,
I have a feeling I may change the name (title) of this book, as well as it will be undergoing editing in the earlier chapters. I hope you can tolerate that. I apologize in advance for any confusion

I also really hope you smile at the thought that this book will be continued.

I wish more than anything that it makes you happy.

My writing is merely here to please and to entertain. I hope my writing provides both for you.

With everything sincerely,
Your Author :)

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